Hi guys,
been a while since I've posted - the twins are doing great but are a LOT of work. They are awesome - both are putting on weight and are smiling and have even started cooing in the last couple of weeks. I can't wait till them start giggling.
The tank seems to be going fine although I have been lacking on maintanence lately. I lost a few LPS (an elegance & a few modern corals) but most all of my acros are doing really nice and growing fast. My brother came into town last weekend and the two of us worked on a fun little project. a Frag tank re-do. Using egg crate, some Krylon spray paint, a couple 1/2" dowels, and some scrap acrylic from Tap Plastics we created a 2 level ampitheather look alike type rack. It's probably not the opitmal design for flow, but it's really good for viewing so we'll give it a try for a while and see how it goes.
Here are a couple pics: