Input to recirculating skimmer

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Sep 1, 2005
When doing a recir mod where is the best place and height to put the input to the skimmer? Should it be below the water lvl that will be set in the skimmer or above, also should input come strait in or would it be better to angle it once it enters to create a swirling effect?
Couldn't say man...What kind of skimmer are you trying to do a re-circulating mod on? If it is something similar to an ASM skimmer then maybe you can look up the mod for one of them and see how they have the re-circulating pump set up...:)
was planning on getting a octopus skimmer. Also is there any reason that I could not T off the riser tube to supply the pump instead of drilling into the body? and thanks for the link :)
The riser tube is the output of the skimmer, I think you would have a hard time geting that to work.
yeah, the flow through the output isnt fast enough to accomodate a recirculating pump...
as for your original question, you typically see the imput to recirculating skimmers at the top, or, as far away as possible from the output of the skimmer, so that the water has to travel a distance that gives it the most dwell time and takes it right though the path of the bubbles rising upward before it can exit the skimmer.