instant ocean / reef crystals

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Jun 24, 2010
I started my tank with the purple Instant Ocean and I am growing SPS corals. From everything I have read I want to try reef crystals.

Is it going to hurt to start doing my weekly water changes with reef crystals instead of the regular instant ocean salt?

I read in a couple of places where people were using regular IO and switched to Reef Crystals and they had issues. Is this because the tried to change more than their weekly water change at one time?
I did switch to RC without any issues, but then switched back to IO. I didn't like how I got white deposits from RC. I have a mixed reef and am doing fine with IO. I know a few folks with SPS dominant tanks using IO. Just keep up with your water changes and keep your parameters in check.
You have to test your water after it is made up & up to temperature & salinity, 24 hours later is better, probably this is why people have issues, the RC has higher elements. If you want to switch over do it slowly, I never had issues with either one, both a good product and same company.
how slow is slowly? Right now I do a 10% every two weeks. Too Slow, Too Fast, Ok that should be fine?

I make up the water and when the tub is half full I add the salt. Next I turn the pump on and let it run over night. The float in the tub shuts the RO/DI unit off and the heat fromt he pump brings the temp up. Once that is good I match Mag , CAL, and bump the Alk up just a bit to slowly brin the tank up. My total process time is about 24 hours to get every thing in order before doing my water change.
Today I started my conversion to Reef Crystals. About 30 minutes after my 10% water change my corals really popped!

I tested RC before adding to my tank and I got these readings

CA 420
Alk 11.2
Mag 1350

Nice to know I do not have to dose too much.
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I switched to RC a few years ago and have never looked back. If you have it shipped to your home it is the same price as normal IO salt.

I can't wait to come up and see it, should be back in town around Sept 1st. See you then.
I used IO from day one with my tank but switched to Reef Crystals a few years back and my water chemistry is great. They did have some bad batches a few years back that caused lots of residue to be left in mixing containers but I haven't seen that problem since then. Good product at a good price. Just do regular water changes with Reef Crystals and your tank won't suffer any ill affects.
