I dont care who wrote it, I think its horrible advice to put your intakes in the overflow box for 2 major reasons
1. most overflows cant take that kind of flow if you are running a decent sized CLS and if they can it will take away from your surface skimming ability as it will be much deeper water going into the overflow box
2. the whole point of a overflow box in the first place is to surface skim the dirtiest water out of the tank and send it to the skimmer to be skimmed. Why would you intentionally set up your system so that this water that has been skimmed from the surface will be recirculated throughout the tank via your cls??
Currently on both of my tanks I run sequence hammerheads each with 2 - 1.5 " intakes covered with those spa intake covers. My anemone is happy and never moves or yes, he could get nailed....but snails can walk across it with ease as can healthy fish lay sit right next to them and easily swim away.
The spa intake covers are IMO the best cls intake cover available for looks and performance. If you get the black ones or paint them black you cant even see they are there against a black background
ps- Thanks for the Welcome NaH20.

I didnt realize how old this thread was until after I replied from th email notification.