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Well-known member
Dec 19, 2004
Tecumseh Michigan
Hi i am Nick Doman i am a 17 year old high school senior thats on the baseball team!

anyway i wanted to say hi! and give you a little back ground on my self and my current system,

i original got into the hobby with a 70 gallon mixed reef. A marine biologist got me hooked on SPS, but i sold that tank after about a good 9 months of it being setup! i learned many things for that setup! after about 4-5 months of being out of the hobby i decided i wanted to get back into since i was goign to have to have surgrey on my right shoulder (torn rotator cuff and labrium) yeha i know i am way to young for having this surgrey, but i guess thats what you get from playing baseball your whole life!

i belong to reefcentral and michiganreefers i have been in the hobby about 2.5-3 years now! i wanted to join this site becasue its a nice quite site with alot of experience and its different from RC because you have a smaller community! and plus o2manyfishes skimmer thread is here now!

So i got a used 180 gallon tank with a stand and canopy. the tank has 2 holes that accomidate a 1 inch bulkhead. there is a hole in each back upper corner, so no overflow box is in the tank. so one hole is on the left upper side of the back peice of glass and another hole on the right side. i did not like the canopy it was not tall enough, so i built my own. it was the first time i have ever built something! i did it all by my self and i then reniforced the stand! i got the tank last may and then proceded to save money to do it right! i got a 70 gallon sump from John B. here in MI most of you know him from his recent TOTM. anyway i then went ahead and got 4 reef optic III 250w DE pendants w/ 14k hamiltons, i then proceeded to get a euro-reef cs8-2 (just a temporary skimmer until i get my Deltec AP850 this summer) i then went ahead and got all the misc stuff like a medusa dual controller i am using 2 250w ebo jager heaters and about 6-7 fans fro cooling (which work VERY well) i then got 2 1" sea swirls to run the euturn off of. then i got my reutrn pump a mag 12, i might upgrade to the mag 18 if my overflows can handle the flow! i also got a reef fanactic pH montior. i am also running a phospan rector with 150grams of phosban media. and am running carbon also!

i then ordered 250 pounds of tonga LR from Dr.macs what a GREAT decesion! it was great LR! i also got another 10 pounds from the LFS to fill the sump/fuge area in my sump. i still need about another 20 pounds to put down there to fill it up, i will then get some chetamorpha macro algae. my sump area is lit by PC lighting i think 2 65 watt bulbs. also have a 100 gpd RO/DI unit from aquasafe got it form ebay after doing alot of research, it takes my water from 345 TDS down to 0 TDS!! i am very impressed! i also have a pin point wireless therometer too!

there is about 220 pounds of LR in the main tank and then there will be about 60 in the fuge area of my sump when it is all said and done! i then put a shallow layer of arganite around the LR there is egg crate on the bottom of the WHOLE tank. i then put rock in, put sand around it, then filled it up! the rock has cycled it has been in for 3 weeks now! i have an order of 100 cerith snails and 100 astera/turbo sanils coming from keyscritters on tuesday! i will then wait and see what the tank tells me, as to when it will be ready for live stock and go from there!

new equipment i am getting, i am getting a deltec calium reactor and kalk stirrer for christmas. a PF 500 calcium recator and a KM 500 kalk stirrer. i am also getting from my girlfriend a tunze osmolator universal for top off! i also ordered 2 tunze streams 6100 and a new muti controller i shoudl have those next week so pardon the maxijet 1200s in the tank now! i cant wait to see these in acition along with that new muti controller thats sposed to be great! thats all the equipment so far!

any way thats basically my setup, pics are to follow! let me know what you think! this tank will be ALL SPS and about 3-5 clams!

i will post shots throught my tanks progress also!

anyway any question just let me know!









amazing enough i am getting coraline algae growth on my LR!!!! already!

hope you like them let me knwo on questions!


"Welcome to Reef Frontiers". Yes, you are right....We are a small community but it looks like we getting recognized and expanding all over the place. Hope you'll find this board helpful. We have a very friendly and dedicated reefers on this board. Dont hesitate to ask any question or even give some advice to anyone here. Now, get the badboy cycled and get it going......=)

Welcome nbd13!!!!!!!!!!!! Nice looking start, hope things will work out. I really like the rock work and the rock. Dr. Mac has never failed me either!! Keep us goin on the progress as your tank matures. Hope everything works out for your shoulder to. Are you gonna play ball in college?
Good luck man!!!!! :D :D
thanks for the warm welcome! i will ask my questions belive me! and if i can help someone out i will!

and i will work on getting this thing going haha!


Hi, Nick welcome to Reef Frontiers. Glad you are here. Really nice setup from what you wrote. I bet you will have a real show piece here soon. Keep coming back, and I wish you health wealth and happiness in the new year. Steve
Excellent start Nick and welcome to reef frontiers. I can't wait to see the livestock go into that setup. Love the rockwork.
yeah the plan is to play ball in college i have about 4 offers, but i wont be able to tell unitl about 2 more months thats when i am going ot be able to start to throw again!

thanks so much! an di will keep you updated!

i guess i can post my fish list i am planning too,

2 neon gobies
2 ocellaris clowns
1 flame fairy wrasse
1 social fairy wrasse
1 labouti fairy wrasse
2 lineatus wrasse (pair)
1 regal angel (already know how hard they are and researched my butt of, and found out i have to get a red sea specimen and a 3-4 inch one along with one thats eats but with vigor!)
2 bellus angels (pair)
1 orange should tang
1 desjardinii salfin tang

thats my fish list! its a good like i think. i think it will help that i am getting that deltec skimmer and i am doing 25 gallons weekly water changes. its a good fish load IMO, but i think it will be fine! what do you guys think? do you like the list?

thanks guys for the welcome! and i will surely post some pics! i hope to add the first set of fish and some frags about 4 tester frags to see how they do! i am hoping by mid janurary BUT have to see how the tank does!

thanks again guys!

Hello, and welcome to reeffrontiers, im jj and Im 15 and in the 10th grade, unfortunatley I just begun high school, lol. Nice setup you have there, how much did you pay for all that equipment? Probably alot!
Hey Nick - welcome to RF!!! nice setup!!!

and Saltwaterteen - not polite to ask people how much they pay for stuff.
nbd13 - Welcome to Reef Frontiers!!! Hope you find the site informative and helpful.
Hey 'nice Tank . And Welcome To The Group I Haunted This Site For Quite Some Time Before I Ended Up Here. We Are All Pretty Good At Helping Each Other Out. I Have Been In The Hobby About 9+ Years Now, Sold 3 Setups And Gave My Last Tank( 55 Gal With Sump And Lights) Away As A Christmas Present. I Worked For And Ran Petcos Saltwater For 3 Years. Hope To See You Doing This For A While. Good Luck And Hope To On The Posts.
thanks guys.

slatwater teen- PM me if you want specific info.

when i get older i plan to become a dentist! as my uncle is one. anway my dream tnak is about 12 feet long 4 feet wide and either 28-30 inches tall! so like 1000 gallons! i cant wait for that!

my next upgrade will be a a300 then a 500 then the big 1000 tank!

but fo rnow i am VERY happy with my 180!

i cant wait and will post questions and help others out!

thanks again for the welcome!

any comments on the fish list?

thanks again!

I Just got to say welcome & what a heck of a start, you already accomplished what takes some years to gain & at your age, you will be a master where everyone will come to you for help one day
One the fish note before getting that combo, think of a few things here. I had a sailfin like that. It is the most peaceful fish I've ever had...Until it got bigger. It ate first always LOL but really consider the size and swim room needed, they get rather large (18") in a short period of time may add. Even in a 1000g it probably isn't enough room. When you get your wrasses, install them all at the same time, even so won't be a guaranteed compatible because they do become aggressive towards each other in the same wrasse family. Angles are neat, be aware of their feeding requirements & compatibility with other community fishes, also check out how big they grow. So basically, I'm saying study each fish & have a introduction plan, otherwise you will get a lot of ciaos. I know you have reasons for this selection & may even already know their requirments but for the fishes sake take the time to make sure it will work.
Congratulations on your new set up. Looks like you are on your way to a sweet tank. Like mentione dbefore on the fish take your time and have a plan on adding them. Sounds like a lot of fish but if you make sure they are compatible and if you add them carefully I think you will be ok. I am more into the corals than the fish so I like your rockwork more :D What kind of corals are yuou planning to keep if any?
scooterman- thanks for the welcome and i hope people will look up to me at one time! i love to help others!

and as for the fish the wrasses will be fine together i haev talked to bronco7777 on RC and he is the "fairy wrasse" expert so to speak and he has about 8 fiarys in a 125 so i will be fine! and on the angels i reseached my butt of on them espically to get the right food and requirments and how to pick a helahty fish! all of them will work together and i have researched them very throughly to make sure i know everythgign ahead of time! and the salfin will go through the tanks with me the 180 first then the 300 then the 500 then the 1000 if he doesnt have enough room i know a marine biologist that said he would take him to a public aqaurium he works at!

and as far as corals go it will be all i mean ALL sps probabaly 2 monti caps on purple edge and a pink one and then mostly bali aqua cultured i know a tenius and some deep water peices for sure. i am on the list for a couple of Tryees limited edditions actually i will be geting 2 of them this may!!!!! cant wait! and then 2 others in janurary 2006! but other than that i knwo i am getting about 3-5 clams also! but other than that it will be all SPS i will tryt o stay away from wild colonies until my system is a bit older or its some that is AMAZING!!!

on the rock work it only took me and my girlfriend about 1 hour to do and fill the tank up! i was amzed at how it turned out so i left it! i really like it alot! and think it will be a great setup for SPS with i think 2 clams in the middle of the gap between the LR islands! i cant wait i think the first fish and 4 frags are right on track for around the middle of janurary if everything goes ok! and the sanils will be here tuesday!

oh yeha does any onw want to see pics of my deltec stuff i am getting on saturday?? i will post some pics of the setup! like the sump at that time too!

but thansk for the warm welcome if and body has any questions please feel free to ask!

