Introducing myself

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Active member
May 9, 2005
New Mexico
I just joined here this morning and thought I'd post and introduce myself to everyone here. I've been reefing for about a year and a half and have been a reefaholic for about 17 months. I've got 2 tanks set up right now and am in the process of setting up a 3rd tank.

Here's a breakdown of the tanks I've got.

Tank #1:
135g oceanic (not reef ready :( ) About 200lbs of LR, and a 5"DSB. I'm running about 1200W's of MH's and VHO's. This is a mixed reef, but is predominantly softies. For fish, I've got A PB tang, yellow tang, flame angel, gold striped maroon clown, 3 green chromis', and a pair of firefish gobies.

Tank #2
30g reef, w/ mainly LPS' and a few zoo's. For fish I've got a percula clown and a clown fairy wrasse. Running a shallow sandbed on this tank and 130W's of PC lighting.

Tank #3:
This tank is not setup yet. It's a 24g JBJ nano cube. It'll be a pygmie seahorse tank. This tank should be setup and start to cycle by the end of the week.

Anyways, that's a little bit about me. I'm also members of a couple of other boards. I recognize some names from there. It's good to see some familiar faces. Looking forward to getting to know the rest of you as well.

Hey Mike welcome aboard!!!. Three tanks up already..yep that makes you a reefer junkie, lol. Do you have any pictures for us to see??

Welcome to Reef Frontiers!!! Glad you joined us! Hope you find the site helpful!
Welcome Mike #37! This site is great!

*yellin* Hey B we need another poll, see how whose there more of Mike's OR Steve's!

Just what we need one more Mike.

*yellin* Hey B we need another poll, see how whose there more of Mike's OR Steve's!

we should just change everyone's name to Mike, that wayno matter what you post a question about, Mike'll answer it for you.
:eek: They must let anyone join here! :razz: Especially with the both of us here!!! :) Nice to see you over in this neck of the woods too.
Nice to meet all of you that I didn't already know.

You're right Mary, with the both of us here now, this site is going to go downhill fast. Hold on for the ride! :badgrin: