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Nov 2, 2005
I just wanted to say Hi, i'm a new reefer. I live in the seattle area. I have done freshwater for a bit and have bred bettas before. I took a few years off and now I want a more challenging hobby. A few weeks ago I wanted to start another small freshwater tank (30gal). After looking at all the beautiful reef setups, I just couldn't like to myself. I really want to achieve a display tank with all the amazing corals,anemones and fish.

I just picked up a 75 gallon tank and still trying to obtain all the necessary pieces. I plan on setting up a 20 gal sump/refugium. Also plan on setting up a closed loop system. (waiting on the diamond hole saws)

This tank is going to be setup in my bedroom. I just moved into this place a few months ago and my room is bare. so this display tank will surely "brighten" my room up. :)

I look forward to meeting you all at the next event at bcc.

I'm still really green behind the ears in all of this. Any suggestions or comments is highly appreciated even if it's negative.

Wing Gee
I would recommend going to PSAS aquarium meetings, keep an eye on schedule in this forum. Its a good group of people. I hope to see you there.
Welcome Aboard,

Glad to see you made it here. Great things to be learned from a great bunch of folks.

The first thing you are going to have to decide is what kind of corals you want to keep (SPS, LPS, Softies). Once you decide this, then we can dive into what equipment you will need. Anyway you cut it look into a really good skimmer. That is the nutrient export for the system (think of it as life support for you tank).
Thanks for the great warm welcome! I actually have ordered a ASM G2 skimmer. A quietone 6000 for the return. I'm waiting on some diamond hole saw's to show up, so i can drill the tank out for the drain and the closed loop system. I was planning on using a 1.5" drain into the sump. Then 4 1.5" returns on the closed loop. I was going to get a aquamaster pump for the closed loop. I'll draw up what i think i'm going to do and get some feedback from you guys. I bought a icecap 660 ballast from sknoch78 on here. have yet to decide on bulbs, but i was thinking 2 110w uri whites and 2 110w uri actinic

As for the corals I have no idea. My original goal was to have a really nice looking display tank and without too much maintnance. I guess to start off i want something colorful yet easy to keep happy and healthy.

Is there anywhere i can get live sand for cheap? I found a place on ebay but shipping kinda kills the deal. seems like the substrate and LR is the most expensive.

Live recommendation would be to used dead sand and seed it with some live sand from the locals. I'm sure if you posted a want ad for some live sand to seed yours you'd get plenty of people that would step up.
Sweet that's awesome. that would save me a couple hundred bucks. what dead sand would you reccommend? I looked at home depot for the famous sand everyone uses, but obviously they didn't have any. I think it was yard right and southdown.
I'm going to defer the type of sand to someone who runs a sand bed. I had a deep sand bed for a while with pure aragonite sand, but have since removed it and gone bare bottom. There are folks on here that know what sand you can use though. You may need to either search for a thread with sand in the topic or start a new thread in the general forum asking that question.

Good luck!
caribsea aragamax select
it's just a hair bigger than the oolithic sand, easier for critters to multiply in, a good overall size and appearance.(i think it's 1.0 - 2.5 mm)
you can usually get it at blue sierra, i'd call first to make sure it's in stock.
if you want something slightly bigger than sand, easier to clean, then try
caribsea aragamax seafloor grade

i too have gone bare bottom in my last couple tanks, i've found that i get less algae, and better for my sps. and less maintenance!
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is the aragamax select expensive? the place i found on ebay is 1dollar a pound plus shipping. the shipping usually kills it though. for 100pounds, it's like 91 dollars to ship. also i found fiji rock for 2/lb on ebay. I don't know. just seems silly to me to pay soo much for sand.

I would also keep surfing the market place here. Another good go is craigslist.
well dood i just wanted to welcome you to reef comedy i mean it says reef frontiers but you'll learn ;) :D .
i have a semi sand bed and well its not perfect because of the cyano problems that sometimes it can cause, but as long as you keep up with the maintenance it's all good :) .
Anyways, when your tank is ready and if you go soft corals, just pm me :D and i can give you some :) .

that's really awesome. Thank you soo much.

I found someone on here selling some sand, which i hope to pick up. I'll be almost ready to get the tank going. I'm still waiting on the diamond drill bits and the bulk heads to show up. once those show up, i can get the tank going and actually start filling it with water. I'm really anxious to get it started. already spent a crap load of money on this, just on equipment as it is. I hope that once i get the tank cycling, i wont have to dump as much money into it.

np dood :)
yeah it's always setting up the tank what costs quite some money, i guess the only way you can save up some money is by making it yourself but still.
i hope you get your other parts really soon :) .
IMO to save money do it right the first time!!!! cost will be high in the begining but worth it.
So, i got some parts in yesterday, bunch of bulk heads, diamond hole saws, and the ice cap 660. Still waiting for the G2 skimmer. I'm going to drill the tank out this weekend. This is the concept so far. This is a 75 gallon tank. Only difference is that the overflow section will be on the right side of the tank instead of the left like on the picture.
All holes will be 1.5"


as for pumps. i'm using a quietone 6000 for the sump, and i'm still looking for a pump for the closed loop, thinking about a amp master pump. Any suggestions for a quiet pump that flows alot.

yay.. when i get some more money next week, i'll be able to pick up some sand from diablo and start cycling the tank. :)