1600 is what you have to raise it to for bryopsis so I figure it would work for the feather. Good luck with the problem, hope you get it resolved soon.
Well, after looking through the algea Id section I found that I was Dead wrong about what Bryopsis is, my algea problem is definatley bryopsis, so now with this said any other suggestions on what else to do to controll this and rid my tank of it?
I am in the process of raising my magnesium to 1600 so hopefully this will help.
I think we all kinda figured it was Bryo but were giving you the benefit of the doubt. We have been looking at way to control it. One is to raise the Mg++ and the other is to raise the pH up with Kalk only to about 8.5 -8.6. Both at time work well for some but neither is a 100% guarantee. I would try the pH but make sure your Alk and Ca ++are not to high.