Is a G3 Skimmer right for me?

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You will always need a heater to heat the water. Use it in conjuction with a Ranco controller. So that way if the heater get stuck in the on mode the Ranco will automattically shut it off once it reaches the set temp on the Ranco.

I realize I'm hijacking my own thread but I'm still learning as fast as I can.

So do you place this in the display or sump?
I realize I'm hijacking my own thread but I'm still learning as fast as I can.

So do you place this in the display or sump?

I place mines in the sump in the second compartment and the temp probe in the 1st compartment where the skimmers and water drains into. So that way the probe can detect the incoming water 1st. You can put it in any order you prefer just not in the same compartment but usually from my research probe before heaters.
I place mines in the sump in the second compartment and the temp probe in the 1st compartment where the skimmers and water drains into. So that way the probe can detect the incoming water 1st. You can put it in any order you prefer just not in the same compartment but usually from my research probe before heaters.

Makes sense, so I assume that you just plug the heater into the unit? That also being said, what size of heater do you think I need? Any recommended brands?
Makes sense, so I assume that you just plug the heater into the unit? That also being said, what size of heater do you think I need? Any recommended brands?

Well on my 350g system I use to have 2 350w titanium heaters now I just use one. I say you are good with one 250-350w heater. Also too if you can get titanium heaters as they won't break if dropped or a rock or something solid and heavy fall on it.
Well on my 350g system I use to have 2 350w titanium heaters now I just use one. I say you are good with one 250-350w heater. Also too if you can get titanium heaters as they won't break if dropped or a rock or something solid and heavy fall on it.

I've found a lot of generic titanium heater and controller combos on ebay. Is this safe or is that raco controller the only way to go? These combos on ebay just look really user friendly!:)
I've found a lot of generic titanium heater and controller combos on ebay. Is this safe or is that raco controller the only way to go? These combos on ebay just look really user friendly!:)

The problem with the built in controller is sometimes they get stuck in the on mode. It hasn't happened to any of the heaters I used but have read plenty threads where folks heaters malfunctioned and over heated thier tank and wiped out everything. The Ranco is fail proof as the heater will be plugged into it and it will shut the heater off once reached its set temp. It is also a good idea to use two heaters (I know I don't which I should). Reason for this is if one of the heaters for some reason stop working you have another there to keep your tank temp stable.
I would go ahead and invest in a controller. This will have the temp control option, plus will work as a timer for lights and such. The Ranco's are great, but I think a controller plus the heater controls offer double protection.
I would go ahead and invest in a controller. This will have the temp control option, plus will work as a timer for lights and such. The Ranco's are great, but I think a controller plus the heater controls offer double protection.

Yeah he can go that route too.
I would go ahead and invest in a controller. This will have the temp control option, plus will work as a timer for lights and such. The Ranco's are great, but I think a controller plus the heater controls offer double protection.

So they offer controllers for heat and lights in one unit? Such as?
So they offer controllers for heat and lights in one unit? Such as?

Yeah there are controllers that will control everything such as lighting, heating, cooling, monitor your water parameters you name it. They vary in price depending on what you want to do with it. You can check out the Reef keeper and Aqua Controller they both offer anything from the basics to the bells and whistles. There are other controllers out there too but those are the more commonly used ones.
I like controllers, they have lots of bells and whistles that make automation easy..........BUT I will never trust my multi thousands of dollars of fish tank on one $3-500 dollar controller. Redundancy and fail safes are the key to prevention of catastrohpy.
Just like having two heaters.

For example, when the GFI trips on my aquacontroller, (which only runs my lighting) my pumps, heaters, reactors, chiller and everything else runs right along without it. Its the same effect of having more than one circuit breaker for your whole tank.
I like controllers, they have lots of bells and whistles that make automation easy..........BUT I will never trust my multi thousands of dollars of fish tank on one $3-500 dollar controller. Redundancy and fail safes are the key to prevention of catastrohpy.
Just like having two heaters.

For example, when the GFI trips on my aquacontroller, (which only runs my lighting) my pumps, heaters, reactors, chiller and everything else runs right along without it. Its the same effect of having more than one circuit breaker for your whole tank.

I hear you on that Duane!!! That is why I havn't invested in one and the system has 3 dedicated circuits just for the system well 2 and share one in the garage with garage related stuff.
I don't know if I'm right......:) but that would be my choice;). A little more money but the Askolls are kick ass pumps. If I was to buy a skimmer again. I would'nt buy a skimmer that don't utilize Askoll pumps. They also put out little to no heat too. I have the WM with Sedra 5000 and the CNC 300A. I can feel the heat that the Sedra puts out under water then feel the Askoll and it is no noticeable heat to the touch.

I do not have heat issues at all with my sedra 5000. In fact my heater kick on during the night so the little heat that I get from the pump actually helps but not enough to heat the entire tank.

The down side again I see with the SWC series is the twist tube to level the water. It restricts the flow and could cause build up and clogging of the outlet pipe. The ASM has a nothing restricting the flow but the height of the pipe. you are more likely to clog or have build up on a small opening then a full size pipe.

This is one of the reasons I love ASM so much and very happy with it. Set it and forget it. Oh wait after a month of using my new ASM G-4 I adjusted the pipe up to make the skim wetter. That was two weeks ago and i am filling up about a 1/4 of the collection cup now.

As far as a heater I totally agree with roscoe. No matter what you will need a heater unless you are running a pudget sound cold tank and it does not sound like you are.
I use an Aqua Controller 3 Pro

I another peice of equipment that has saved my tank a few times.

They say you do not have to calibrate the pH probe but still do it. I never did, I took their word for it.

Last night I noticed my pH was not moving no matter how much Co2 I put into the Calcium reactor. Matt told me to calibrate the probe and I worked wonders.

My ORP is moving up and down like it should now and my temp is spot on.

I have three breakers to my tank too. I just make sure I plug in my DC controllers to the different outlets. So I always have some sort of flow through my tank at all times.
Thats cool you like ASM James. We all have our preference. I don't care for the flimsy feel of the ASM and I never said that the pump puts out so much heat that it will heat the entire tank. For me it is unwanted heat. My big system the only thing that is adding heat to my tank besides the heater is the Hammerhead return pump. I tried to utilize equipment that don't produce much heat because I want to avoid running a chiller. Which IMO uses too much energy.
Yeah I dont run a chiller on my 300 either. That is why it is in the basement living room and i have a fan blowing across the lights if ti heat s up in the canopy.

So far so good no heat issues.

As far as the quality yes it is not cast acrylic it is more like a plastic. I am not an expert on this material at all. I often thought about making a knockoff of the ASM series from acrylic material and then I dropped my sump lids.
Crack boom bam shattered, thank god I no longer need those lids.

I remember I dropped my Mini-G while I was cleaning it. I was able to pick it up and finish cleaning it. No cracks no shattering, everything was ok and good to go.

I still wonder what a ASM knockoff in acrylic would be like. Maybe I will try to make one, one of these days.

As far as anything SWC makes, I am not a big fan of it. I do not like the twist tube leveling. I would rather have a pull tube like ASM so the flow is not stricted. Now if you mod a SWC output to match the ASM I think you would have something there.

As far as any gate valve mod, I am not a big fan of at all.

I just like it because they are set it a pretty much forget it once you dial it in.

all well to each their own.
fwiw, I think ASM's are crappy...

they leak from the seams,
they have the strength of uncooked pasta,
they are over rated and over priced,
the design is completely outdated,
sedra pumps have mediocre performance,
and the cheap magnets rust and swell, destroying the impellar well.

DONT purchase a g3 to skim a 160g..... totally underskimming.
my vote goes for the SWC 250A as well. or even the regular extreme 250 w/ 2 sicce pumps would be great, and you wont have start up issues if you use the pinwheel impellers.
they leak from the seams - Never seen this, never heard of this until now, seen several that have been running 4+ years

they have the strength of uncooked pasta - At least the do not crack, shadder, and/or break like acrylic does.

they are over rated - Cannot comment on this since I do not have facts, but if their rating was off I am sure someone could have and would have sued by now.

over priced - they cost less then any of the SWC skimmers at same rating.

the design is completely outdated - if it does the job and it is not broke why fix it.

sedra pumps have mediocre performance and the cheap magnets rust and swell, destroying the impellar well - After how many years of use? Also what does it cost to replace the sedra pump $80.00

DONT purchase a g3 to skim a 160g..... totally underskimming - a rating of 250 gallon skimmer is underskimming on a 160 gallon tank? Wow why would they even rate them?

my vote goes for the SWC 250A as well - Heavy Bio Load rating still 250 gallons and at almost twice the price of the ASM.

or even the regular extreme 250 w/ 2 sicce pumps would be great - Once again double the price and using more engery

and you wont have start up issues if you use the pinwheel impellers - I used the pinwheel impellers just like you and Luke told me to. It started alright no problem there. The problem was it overflowed through the collection cup if I was not around to back it off and reset it. it was a friggin hassle and rather embarrassing when fellow reefers came over and I showed them my great skimmer, and it is overflowing.

If I set it to a dryer skim it barely skimmed anything so I had to live with the overflowing and made sure I checked it all the time.

It may be the latest and greatest design. It maybe built out of better materials. It may have a better pump. It may come in cool colors.
But if it does not function on a daily basis without me having to tinker with it, it is not worth my time to own it. I have better things to do then adjust a skimmer all the time.

I went to Seattle on August 15th, the evening of the 16th I got a weird feeling I had to go home, I tired checking my AC and I could not reach it. I shrugged it off and figured it was a network issue since I was styaing in a hotel. Ending up staying until sunday evening. Sure enough the skimmer was overflowing, since I forgot to empty the collection cup before I left my tank got a nice dose of skimmer juice. I was glad I got home by 10Pm though, it gave me enough time to do a water change, completely clean out the sump and reset everything including the skimmer by 3am.

My Instant Ocean - ok skimmer for back in the day, today standards it is POS.
My ASM Mini-G not one issue skimmed my 90 gallon better then the SWC 160
My G-4 not one issue
My SWC 160 - Issues DAILY!

So bag on ASM all you wish but at least now I am not chained to my tank.

This is not an attack on anyone or their products. It is my own personal experience with these two skimmers.

If you could combine the design of the SWC with the output of the ASM (slide tube) you could have something there.

Everyone has their opinion and everyone can rip each piece of equipment apart. I have always said you have to find what works for you in this hobby.

I believe the original poster said they were looking at spending $165.00 for the used ASM. I do not know their budget but a skimmer and lights are are two more important choices. So all I can say is....

Take the advise use it wisely to fit your budget and find what works for you.
I'm not going to bash the build quality of the asm's as they work fine, but they are very much so outdated. They are a beginner skimmer, easy to set and forget. They are super overated more so than most skimmers out there. If you like the asm's and don't want to run a sicce pump then look at the vertex line as they are similar pump wise to an asm. They are much better than an asm. If you really want a skimmer to last for a very long time the askoll driven skimmers are the best on the market hands down. Any pinwheel or meshwheel or needlwheel pump out there is inferior to an askoll pump.