is my tank big enough

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New member
May 13, 2005
Birmingham England UK
Hello can anyone give me a little advice.
I currently have a well established TROPICAL set up
The tank is a jewel rio125 125 litre tank
I am thinking about changing to a marine setup to keep a pair of clowns and
a few damsels.
Is this tank large enough to accomodate this
Any info would be greatly appreciated
Thanks :D :eek:
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Thats about 33 gallons. Its perfect for what you want. From what i've been told though, damsels can be mean. You might try chromis instead.
Welcome to Reef Frontiers, mandarin!

125 litres works out to about 33 gallons. That should be fine. Do you think you will have some live rock or corals?
I would stick with the clowns and look at something like small gobies or so on. I think a bakpak skimmer would work good and an AquaC remora Would work better. Those are probably the two you want to stick with as far as filtration. Where do you live?