Is my yellow tang sick?

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Sep 19, 2005
Sammamish , wa
I recently acquired a yellow tang from Blue Sierra (3 days back), on coming home the second day I noticed really small pin head size black spots on my tang. The tang is eatig well and is swimming around well (fairly active). What do you think the issue is if any?
It is less serious but I would still suggest you treat it. The process is fairly easy and FW dips when done correctly are usually quite effective.

Is the tang in a QT or was it added to the main already?

Thanks for the responses, yes this seems to be the problem. The fish at this point is the only one in the main aquarium. About the formalin versus fresh water dips, has anyone tried this? Does it involve simply putting the fish for a few seconds into a tank with the fresh or formalin treated water?

Also where do I get formalin from? Do you think cleaner shrimp would help here?
Biological "cleaners" will rarely effect a cure no matter the ailment. In this particular instance even less so. I would suggest the FW dip over the formalin for something like this. Paravortex is pretty easy to get rid of as a rule so using something as potent as Formalin is not the first choice. Aside from that, you should already have everything you need to perform a basic FW dip.

Use RO or treated tap water, buffer to the same pH as the water the fish is currently in, aerate the water for at least 30 minutes prior to the dip and during the dip. Once the temp/pH are a close match (very important) add the fish. As long as there is no severe thrashing or dire distress, allow the fish to remain in the FW for 10-15 min. Make sure you monitor the fish throughout the whole treatment and do not leave the fish unattended. If using a shallower type of container, be wary of jumping. Tangs also have a habit of "playing dead" so don't be too surprised if it just lies on the bottom once added. You will need to repeat the treatment at least once more in 3 days time.

How bout that QT question?

Thanks for the help Steve ,I will attempt to do this today. Also the other question, no the fish is not in quarantine. I have him in my main tank although he is the only life form there in addition to some snails and crabs.
If you do have a cycled QT, transfer the tang after the dip. It will make the process easier on both of you. Plus it will minimize the chances of reinfestation.
