Is this a bad move?

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Well-known member
Oct 19, 2005
Palatine, IL
I want to buy a Regal Angel for my SPS tank as this would be my last fish. So i'm at my LFS and i see one that looks okay but the tail is torn to shreds. I mean chunks are missing from it. I asked the guy if he was getting any more in any time soon. He said no but offered me a deal if i bought the Regal angel ($30.00). I told him i'm not about to buy a fish that looks like its diseased. He told me it had a disease/parasite and the claener wrasse actually ate through the tail to rid the angel of the parasite. Is this B.S. or possible? I really like the fish but don't want risk a break out in my tank. The guy told me he wants to hold it for a few more days just to be safe. He said all it needs is some TLC. Is he trying to make a sale or is this a safe move?
Thats a judgement call you would have to make. If you already have a quar tank and are willing to treat, and hold the fish at your home, and take a chance on it not being ok.
See thats just it i don't really have a QT tank or feel like setting one up i would rather just wait and let him deal with it until its healthy.
The liklihood of finding a healthy Regal Angel is slim to none, unless it has been in captivity for many months. Even then, with a diet consisting mostly of sponges, most cannot supply adequate amounts of nutritious foods. but if you have had your Moorish Idol for a long time, you may be up to the rigorous demand this fish entails.
REALLY?? i had no clue Regal angels were hard to keep like moorish idols. I should change my signature though because i sold off my MI. But they are just as hard to keep as a MI??? I honestly did not know that. I thought they were just like any other angel. You know where it would take some to get use to its new enviroment but then it would slowly come around. Well anyways i still have sponges in my tank so maybe i'll give it a shot. What do you think about the tail though. Should try with a fish that looks healthier. Even tough this guy has had this fish for at least three weeks now.
lf it's alive, even after the tail episode, and it is still eating, it may be worth a try. Maybe. Remember, fish deon't read, and it may not know it's not supposed to live.
The more posts you make the name changes.
My friend at the LFS has a pair of regals in the same tank. they seem to behave like a mated pair. The dominate one will occasionally nip at the smaller one, but no damage so far. Oh yeah and they are in a tank with several other angels dwarf and full size. LOL Like they said they cant read and dont know they are supposed to kill the other ones and then die horribley. LOL