is this a superman

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Nov 4, 2006
cape town, south africa
hi all is this a superman monti

It is Montipora danae - Blue w/ orange polyps at this point, will need to finish coloring up to be sure. Here is a pic of a colored up true superman:
I'm not sure this is a true superman. Usually you cannot find one near this size without a bank loan. I can't see the really bright red polyps which the true montipora has. Still a very nice montipora.
The mantle is still light blue and the polyps are faded and could turn red or whatever.

Here are a couple pictures of what is called purple haze, you can see why they call it "purple"

Before colored up much

Wide view

Closeup showing purple polyps and deep blue mantle
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It doesnt look like one but it is a sweet peice reguardless.

Herefishyfishyfishy, I could sware that is the blue nodosa.
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Herefishyfishyfishy, I could sware that is the blue nodosa.

There is a fine line between the "blue nodosa" "purple Nodosa, Purple Danae, and what anyone wants to call "purple haze." Additionally, which are nodosa and which are Danae can be tough without having a full size colony or dissection as both are encrusting. The Nodosa seems to have nodes and is not as smooth, but I have seen both each way. As to popular names, that is a tough call. Like Idaho grape plating Monti, I have seen confusa, cap, and nodosa called such. IMO, the purplest of the encrusting non-confusa Monti's is the nodosa and such my pics are 95% probability as M Nodosa species. As to the popular name for the color variation? Recently have seen many websites call this very purple encrusting Monti, the popular name of "purple haze" so, when in Rome... am going with the popular consensus.
Im no comparing with the superman or purple hase. Im just drooling over your blue nodosa. Had one but it got burnt by an lps and never came back.
Im just drooling over your blue nodosa. Had one but it got burnt by an lps and never came back.

Sorry to hear of your misfortune. We have all lost favorites due to mistakes. A few days ago put my acan lord colony next to my orange crush to prevent the yellow tail wrasse from flipping them over looking for pods. Forgot about night sweepers. The orange killed 1/3 of the lord's polyps. Annoyed at myself for the stupidity, but Oh well...

Hope you find another, took me three months to find a small colony I could afford. Have local friends lined up for frags, but no rush to chop it up.
MIKE, Lock your doors. I'am comeing over with a chain saw and some bags. The chain saw is for the front door :eek: . I hope thats all I need it for.
P.S. NICE stuff pal
MIKE, Lock your doors. I'am comeing over with a chain saw and some bags. The chain saw is for the front door . I hope thats all I need it for.
P.S. NICE stuff pal

omg!! Jason does exist !!!:eek: :lol:
Tracy - just let me know when and i will be there. Your going to need someone to hold the bag open and control the gaurd dog! :D