Is this green cyano?

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Well-known member
May 16, 2006
This green slim algae started growing a couple of places in the tank. It's a dark green color and has slowly grown to where it's at now. Is this green cyano OR is it something else?


i know normal cyano is blue-green or brownish-red in color and usually grows on the sand. That's why i'm asking because this stuff grows like coraline algae does (onto rocks, etc) is dark green and started growing on the base of my torch coral. So i'm not so sure it is cyano...but it's the only thing i know of that fits the description thus far.
Turkey baste a strong stream of water at the base of the coral's skeleton. If the algae just blows away with the current it's cyano. If it stays attached, it's not. FWIW, I doubt it's cyano but cannot see the algae in enough detail in the picture to tell you what it is.
it does not just blow off. it's encrusted on there.

Yeah, that's what I suspected. Get a plastic bowl filled with tank water. Put your Euphyllia in there and get your spouses toothbrush. (J/K dedicate a new toothbrush for your tank). Scrub the algae off as much as possible in this bowl. Rinse the skeleton off with a small glass of tankwater and replace it into the tank.

Here's an important hint whenever moving Euphyllia. Gently wave your hand in the water above each polyp until they retract into their skeleton before moving them.

OK, on to a different issue. I don't know if it's the picture or if it's true. Your Euphyllia looks underfed. They don't get 100% of their nutrition from photosynthesis. I would target-feed each polyp with a small amount of mysis or other small meaty food.
actually, the algae does just blow off with a turkey baster. I thought it didn't but I tried it and sure enough it just comes right off.

Also, the picture is just really white. The Torch looks a lot better than it does in that pic. I do target feed it every now and then with mysis.