Its A Bad Bad Day...

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Aug 16, 2008
Well guys in my Haste of dealing with my coral tank , i thought my wife was taking good care of her tank and her tank crashed big time, Her P.Puffer fish got Ich, His eyes got super cloudy little white spots then he died in a matter of a day, very said i hate watching my wife *cry* when her stuff dies i never know how to make her feel better, then i noticed my long time *Nemo's* had white spots so i did reseach on how to cure them cause they dont have scales and so i treated them for 3 days of treatment i lost my female, So now my male is sad and today i looked at him and his back is covered with ich again or i didnt get rid of it the first time. i have 1 blenny and 2 wrasse which show no signs of ich but i feel im going ot have to make my wife feel better cause i will lose my Nemo after 6 years. Also Lost my Choc chip star fish which measured from tip to tip 11.5 inch's and he died also so yes im sad today..
Sorry about this pal. Any idea of whats caused it? The fact that the star died means there is something else going on besides just ich.

Sorry again and hope things turn around.
Well my Wife has this crappy filter system hang on, i think its garbage i dont think it cleans a 47 gallon tank like they say its suppose to so i went out and just bought a new canister with a built in Uv sterlizer into it suppose to be for a 100 gallon tank i think that might do.But ya back to the start fish all of a sudden he curled his legs up and like started rotting in a matter of a few hours it was really nasty to watch didnt know what ot do for him, i didnt put him in the treatment water so i dont know.. :(
I am so so sorry I know how hard it is to deal with that I had a heater go out on a freshwater system and lost alot to Ich and man it was hard to deal with I lost one of my favorite Plecos. So sorry for your loss.
Sorry for your loss. It's always especially hard when you lose one that has been with you a very long time. I lost a pair of corydoras catfish (freshwater) due to a heater malfunction that I had for 15 years. Strange how we can get so attached to those little guys. I have learned that ich is usually the symptom and not the cause. When an outbreak occurs, knee jerk reaction is to treat it, but that just adds to the mix that have already passed a threshold of tolerance. So now my first reaction is do a water change before treatment. Hope you get everything back on track.
Do you still have anything left? I would agree with here fishy fishy. You will want to take any surviving fish out of your tank and put them in a hypo treatment for 4-6 weeks. When it rains it pours in reefkeeping.
sorry to hear, I moved back in August and lost most of my prized corals and fish due to a malfunctioning heater that did not shut off it took the water in the brute can all the way up past 90 I lost my Naso Tang, Niger Trigger, small foxface all of my starfish, all of my softies, all of my SPS, , The only corals I had left were some Xenia that was on the LR in the other holding tank and what I had in my 26 gallon tank. It is very hard to accept the losses not only because of the large amount of money lost but the time and effort we go through for our little oceans.
Man I'm sorry to hear about your loss. I feel terrible when anything dies in my tank and my GF is in even worse shape. FWIW the fact that you were able to keep those animals alive and healthy for up to six years probably puts you in the top 10 percentile of reefkeepers so don't beat yourself up about it.
sorry to hear, I moved back in August and lost most of my prized corals and fish due to a malfunctioning heater that did not shut off it took the water in the brute can all the way up past 90 I lost my Naso Tang, Niger Trigger, small foxface all of my starfish, all of my softies, all of my SPS, , The only corals I had left were some Xenia that was on the LR in the other holding tank and what I had in my 26 gallon tank. It is very hard to accept the losses not only because of the large amount of money lost but the time and effort we go through for our little oceans.

:badgrin: xenia can survive nuclear blasts I thinks!:eek:
We have been doin 50% water changes we just tried to treat the whole tank last night seein there are only 3 fish left in the tank , no star fish and snails so said what the heck treat the tank do a 50% water change ,so on and so on, But today i come home from work and my Last Male Nemo is now dein and there is nothing i can do about i feel so helpless... what is the main cause of Ich, Temp? overfeeding? i think it started when she was feeding the Ppuffer fish shrimp and left pieces in the tank but not 100% just a Sad day....
Ich is caused by being introduced into the tank. It's a parasite that infects fish only. However, it can come into the tank on anything wet, ie. fish, corals, live rock...etc. Ich may have killed the fish, but wouldn't have killed the starfish

I would recommend putting this in Lee's fish forum. He'll have the best advice.
The starfish death... use of canister filter... Dosing the entire tank... I am wondering more about.

First whats your water tests say about your chemistry?

You say she only has a HOB filter and now canister filter. So you are saying you dont use a skimmer at all?

What Top off water do you use?
What are you dosing the entire tank with exactly?

I did more reading cause I was curious and like always thirst for info in here. It seems most Ich treatments have copper. Copper kills inverts...that may explain invert deaths.

More info please on tank parameters and name of the stuff you are treating with...
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Yes she has a Protein skimmer from day 1 , doesnt seem to clean out much, her water testing at one point the nitrite was high but did water changes and fixed that. i top off with the house tap water ive had it tested its pretty good. I am treating the tank with Rid Ich+ Disease treatment. made by kordon
I am treating the tank with Rid Ich+ Disease treatment. made by kordon

Kiss your fish goodbye unless they accidentally developer a partial immunity to the parasite. Worthless product. Do some reading, there are basically only two ways to treat Ich:
1. Hyposalinity per the book for 2 months
2. A skilled and careful use of copper.
3. all other "cures" which leads to the toilet

Good luck, if you need any more help, read Lee Birchs's Ich stickies under fish disease forum.
So explain to me why my Wrasse and blenny show no Signs of illness but my Nemo's are just dein and i cant stop it.. i feel like i am failing so as of tonight i hooked up my wifes huge canister filter with UV sterilzer i read its suppose to help with nasty stuff in the tank any advice guys?
My advice would be to go back and read herefishyfishy's advice. There are two treatments that work to get rid of ich. It is a parasite that has been introduced into your tank and has the potential to infect any fish you add. Some fish seem more resistant, but none I know are immune. Any treatment that will truly get rid of the parasite will harm all invertebrates including the ones that make your LR "live"

The following threads are long reads but provide information on the parasite, it's lifecycle and treatment that is known to work.

Marine Ich - Myths and Facts

A Hyposalinity Treatment ProcessCopper - Treatment, Use, ProblemsI have been where you are and lost some fish but since going through the hypo/barren tank process to get rid of ich and quarantine new fish I have not had a problem. It works!
Another poster on another thread had a good point about tap water. The city water source can change over night and one day its not so bad another have elements you dont want at all. Unless you can test for metals you could be polluting the tank with things your test kits don't cover either.

Something to consider.
Somthing i do when i notice even a spec of white on any of my fish is add a couple cleaner wrasses they seem to do a good job! dont know how good they will do with a serious case of it but its worth a try imo!!