Jawfish Question

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Designer Reef
Aug 22, 2007
I have a yellowhead jawfish that is breathing pretty heavy, but is acting totally fine, eating, coming out to swim and then diving back to his hideout. I don't know if they are just real hard breathers and I haven't noticed it before, but just wondering if anyone has any comments?
They defiantly look like their going to crock but they are totally healthy...weird.
I have a blue spotted jawfish and he is a total nut! Swims freely amount the other fish and then out of nowhere he zooms around the tank like lightning, breaths heavy, makes huge sand mounds all over the tank. The last one was easily 8 or 7 inches high. He actually seems like many neurotic people I know.
I had a blue spot once that tore my tank to shreds. I could not keep a coral on the sand bed as it would be under a pile of sand in the morning. I swear he did it on purpose. Neurotic is a good way to describe him. He made me neurotic, I had to take him back to the store for credit.