Jesse_Emel's Oceanic Biocube 29 Gallon

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Got the sand in the tank during lunch while mixing saltwater.....

Now the water is in and the pump is running. I need to squeeze my fat hand in the back and turn the pump from it's low setting to aqua blast. Also need to pull the skimmer to see why it's not producing bubbles. but at lease the water is in and the cycle has started. I'll be picking up some live rock tomorrow.....

looks good. nice job

Thanks Sean, I got the pump out and turned up to full blast. Much better water flow but not enough for 2 nozzles, so I'm down to 1. And it turns out i had the top to the protein skimmer on backwards, so that's fixed now and the skimmer is making bubbles.
Hey WELCOME back, what a great find and nice build of it so far. Do you have a want list for livestock yet ???

Cheers, Todd
Wow nice little tank, those are sooo nice! I like the LEDs too!

Thanks Scooterman, I had the exact same biocube for my 1st tank but gave it up as I upgraded to bigger tanks. Now I'm back to the begining. But with a few upgrades to take care of some of the shortfalls (in my opinion) of the Oceanic Biocube.

Nice build,
Tinkering is half the fun.
What are you going to keep in it?

Hey WELCOME back, what a great find and nice build of it so far. Do you have a want list for livestock yet ???

Cheers, Todd

Peppie and TLJ So far my plans are to add some live rock and wait a very long time. With the upgraded lights I think i can keep almost anything. But i'm keeping to small gobies and other fish with great personalities. I also know I'm NOT keeping any pistol shrimp, coral banded shrimp or any damsels nor anemones. I'll probably stay away from snails and keep to the hermit crabs. I would like to keep a few different shrimp. I have always loved bright colorful zoo's and i think i can keep some LPS and SPS with this setup. Of course i'll be posting pics of any additions when the time comes for stocking. I would love as the tank matures to see if i can keep a small clam with this setup.
Live Rock Added

Went back to the fish store now that the water has run for a day or so. Picked up some live rock from Aquatic Dreams. Got it in the tank ASAP. Here are a few pictures.....



There were a few hitchhikers on the rock. I think i ended up with 3-4 free snails and this green mushroom. The Mushroom had no light on it for months and months so i'm not sure it will survive. Or the snails for that matter as the tank cycles.....

OMGosh those are sweet rocks! Soo cool looking

Thanks IPisces, There was not a ton to choose from but it's nice when you can dig through a tub of live rock and pick the pieces you want. I was going with kind of a flat top look with very porous rock with lots of places for frag plugs and coral mounting points. I think i will push the rocks towards the back tomorrow, but for now i'll try to keep my hands out of the tank.
The tank is coming along very nicely.

This is making me miss my BC29.

Thanks for following along rainydave, I like the acronym BC29. I'm gonna steal that and use it from now on. I thought the BC29 was a great way to jump back into the hobby and get reefing again. Great little tank so far. Today the water was super clear thanks to the live rock. I'll post some pictures later tonight.
The tank looks much clearer. I don't think the tank lights turned off last night, so i'm here at the office during shut off time. The temp is a little high for my liking around 80. If it doesn't shut off tonight i'll have to get a separate timer. This power strip is supposed to have a working timer but it's not shutting off for now.

Great quality Live Rock and interesting aquascaping. I'm sure the mushroom will make it through considering it has such great color. Thanks for sharing your progress with this tank.
Yup looks good. Don't forget the powerhead.
Its the free stuff that always does well. Lol
Keep at it!
Yup looks good. Don't forget the powerhead.
Its the free stuff that always does well. Lol
Keep at it!

Thanks for the reminder 1guydude. Went to my buddy's house and stole one of his MP10's that i sold him a long time ago. Gave it a super quick full strength vinegar bath and brought it to work. Powerhead Activated!


Also it looks like the foot of the big mushroom and it's baby brother are coming loose. I also found some Aiptasia Anemones and a few bristle worms. The Anemones I will kill and the worms I will keep.

Does anyone else have any problems getting the Tunze 9002 Protein Skimmer to make bubbles?? I can't seem to get it to do anything. Slightly frustrating. It's fine for now but i would like to get it working before the tank starts to get some life.