just here to introduce myself...

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Well-known member
Mar 21, 2007
so im here to introduce my self this morning....my night still...lol.my name is keith.our tank has been up since 1/4/06,has went through 2 wipeouts which i wont go into too much detail right now as thats not what im here for right this second.i will just say i learned from my mistakes and i stuck through it and im very glad that i did.it would have been easier and cheaper to just throw our hands up and give up,but we didnt.and again,im very glad we didnt,ive enjoyed the tank so much and look forward to enjoying it for many years to come.

ill be updating my profile more,along with posting more pictures.but for now,here are a few of the tank

note,my pictures arent the best as i dont reall yhave a too nice of a camera and problably dont have the one i do have adjusted right but here they are.

newest full tank shot

right side

left side

and like i said,ill post up some more pictures....when its not so late..err early...lol

oh,sorry but i just have to,our newest addition.i know its not reef related buy i cant help it.:p


her name is rylie,4 weeks old this past sunday,the 1st pic was the 2nd day born,the 2nd picture,was the 1st day home..

thanks for reading/looking,glad to meet everyone here at reeffrontiers,and im sure youll be stuck with me for many posts into the future.....:D:D
Welcome to FR Keith, so how long will it be before Rylie will be maintaining her own tank;) Congratulations!
Welcome to RF and congrats on the little one as well :D Hope you enjoy it here...RF is a really nice community! Sorry to hear about your "wipeouts"...It does happen unfortunately to even the best of us. Good for you for sticking it out! Good luck on this setup...Looks great! :)
Keith! Welcome to RF man! You will love it hear, everyone is nice and helpful, and always willing to lend a hand. What size tank is that? 'grats on the new addition to the family as well!
i havent updated my staple yet so here are the tanks basic specs.its a 75 gallon with left hand side overflow,has a 40 gallon sump.use a mag 9.5 for the return pump.the tank has 3 powerheads inside of it for water flow/movement.1 maxijet 1200,a penguin 1140.i also have 1 of 2 modded powerheads.1 is a maxijet 1200 modded(the old style mod,not the newer 1 peice ones),and a koralia 2 pump i modded using an impeller from one of the mj mod kits.its at about 47x turnover rate which i have read many places really doesnt matter,as its more more of an issue of how the water is flowing.and i dont have a controller or anything so i justunplug one of the modded pumps,and plug in the other every so often....seems to be working well so far.the lights consist of 2 150 watt halide 10k bulbs and 2 130 watt powercompact acinic bulbs,all in a current usa light fixture,also has 6 moonlight leds.ooh,almost forgot the skimmer,kind of ashamed to say it but i am running the remora c hang on back skimmer,but i have it in sump as there was not enough room for it to hang in the sump,and i refuse to have it hanging on the tank figuring thats partly what the sump is for,but it has also worked well so far.

thanks again for reading,keith

ill be more than happy to awnser any questions about my setup...livestock/maintainance or whatever it may be....its more fun if i leave room for questions....lol
Welcome to RF Kevin! I think ALL of us can attest to some calamity/crash that we've experienced in our thanks. Hopefully we learn a little something and move on. Your tank seem to maturating nicely.

AND..............What a little cutie!
I think you'll need a bigger tank for that one..............
thank you very much everyone for the comments on the tank.....and my baby.im sure ill be posting more pics of both in the future...along with a few of myself im sure just so people get to know there talking to.i like to have faces to the people i talk to so i tend to make it that way for others.so ya.

thank you much on the compliments on the aquascaping,as thats a huge part of how a tank will look.i tried to go with a natural look,not sure if ive achieved that or not as ive never been scuba diving,just have seen pictures of reefs in the wild,but they are all shapes and sizes.it just seems the majority of people seem stack the rocks from say the middle of the tank(front to back) to the back,leaving all the front area open for the fish to swim.im not saying thats a bad thing,it just seems that once you close off the back of the tank like that,that there could be many problems that arise in the future.it also gives more sand surface for gobys,along with hiding places for some of the bigger fish.(when i had set up the tank originally,we had no idea the number of animals that could be part of this setup),with that said,its done and over with,i like it,im glad others like it,and its too late now....lol
didnt mean for the last post to get posted yet...:)

and now i cant remember what i was going to rant on about....so i guess thats it for now.

thanks again for the comments everybody.
well hell,i was hoping someone would ask about the tank....lol.but nobody did so ill take it upon myself to share a few more pics before i let this thread die...i just like to be active in the threads i start,hehe.

so,first ill share my livestock list...err most of it as i dont know the specific names for say,some of the snails,or how many there are now.and 3 of the sps are unknown,one of which i got for free when i ordered online once.but....

fish include: coral include:
onespot foxface rabbitfish green star polyps
flame angel green millepora
spotted mandarinfish dragonet rasberry prostrata
lubbocks fairy wrasse pink stylophora
carpenter flasher wrasse rainbow monitpora
signal (twospot) goby plating montipora
2 green mushroom polyps
blue millepora
4 unknown sps

inverts include:
3 emerald crabs (started with 3)
several red leg hermit crabs
3-7 medium turbo snails
didnt mean to post again so fast but i wanted to post a few pictures without my post becoming a book....lol






and this,being the newest picture of the green millepora after it had tipped over...pfft,but i had to snap a picture while it was tipped to show the size

thank you much for looking....im off to the forums...hehe
welcome to Reef Frontiers Keith....thats an adorable little keiki (child) you have....and your tank looks awesome....Aloha Les @WPH