Just made a sump

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Hey Krish,

How do you get away with no sand at all. I thought you would have some in your sump??? I'm getting ready to go bb just because I'm sick of fighting nitrates, but I thought I had to have the allmighty dsb somewhere!??

Like Ron said, it's all in the rock and then don't forget, bacteria grows every and anywhere which includes al surfaces (tank and sump wall etc.) There are tons of people running bare bottom systems for years now, never having a problem. So much easier IMO, to keep clean:)

Yeah, I have about 20 lbs or so. I'll have to buy some rubble from the LFS. Is chaeto the best choice for macro?

Yeah...I think so. Definately has to be the most popular by far. I don't have anything at all in my sump. I ran a light over my sump on an alternate photo period from my old tank, but nothing was under it. Algae just grew there on it's own which I vacuumed out weekly. Eventually it stopped growing as the tank cycled and matured and now I don't even run a light over my sump. Every system is different though. I keep a clean tank (especially with it being bb) and therefore it works well for me:)
sorry, wasnt here yesterday for this convo. BUT, i also just made my self a sump a few weeks back (worked great!) These guys rock

but anyway. the return thing with the micro bubbles shouldnt be a problem, altho looking at the was my sump is working now, next time i will build a shelf, 2 sit media bags on, i will plum it hard pvc. i will put a 4 inch drop bewteen were the water comes out (inlet) and where a self is

i would have put a 3rd peace of glass on the right side, to chamber the bubbles. (but i didnt know)

are micro bubbles bad anyway? some times it looks cool

Dont hate on the poor mans, media. (krish) lol, 7 bucks a big bag of carbon, and 2 media bags.

next sump, will have a self for the water to fall thor b4 being pumped out. I think next sump ill get super creative. and put meny chambers. Ill clue glass horazontaly and make a water fall.

but sumps work.
are micro bubbles bad anyway? some times it looks cool

Some say they are bad, but I hate seeing them in the tank:p The thing that is helping you with microbubbles in that pic (if there was any entering the return chamber) is that bag of carbon. That will catch bubbles coming in. That's the same reason why you see wet/dry's etc you buy from LFS come with a squared sponge block (they call a polishing block sometimes) at the opening of the return chamber:)

Dont hate on the poor mans, media. (krish) lol, 7 bucks a big bag of carbon, and 2 media bags.

next sump, will have a self for the water to fall thor b4 being pumped out. I think next sump ill get super creative. and put meny chambers. Ill clue glass horazontaly and make a water fall.

but sumps work.

ROFL!!! So you are going to go all "G Q" or your next sump huh? Have the sump on display and the tank hidden under the stand:p
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LOL hell ya, that shzt's gonna be PIMPing sump

you'll be checking it out at pimp'nSump.com it'll be hot
Just to chime in on the bubble trap, a better trap would be four baffles, under, over, under & over, if you think about it but even mine is a little backwards LOL, we'll see when I add the skimmer.
i would sasy chaeto is the best macro..i could have sent some about a week ago.. i threw away about a 5g bucket full...it grows pretty fast in the tank i have it in....if you still need some when it is full again, i will send you some....LR rubble isn't necessary if you have it in your tank...it is just up to you
i have some chaeto,

your lfs, doesnt have that? next time you come up 2 pa ill give you a clump