gie up please... the ocean is depending on us... it can be heart brakeing from tiem to time.. and down right hurt ful..
Ive placed my tank above others so many times... and ive paid that price...
but when push comes to shove your gonna recoop... dont worry remain calm and collect your thoughts b4 going off the deep end...
Im sure he didn't do it on purpose.... but on the other hand my wife knows that if she did do it on purpose it would be the end surely....
I laugh now about it but long time ago.. we got in a fight... and she was mad and i was mad and (off topic now) some how it came to here holding a penny over my tank... and i simply said go ahead... Ill throw this chair thur the tank and we can go our ways....
remove the bodys.. do a water change and let the tank stabilize.... it will hurt but its better then a charshed tank