Just strolling through.. thought I'd say Hello from Western North Carolina USA :)

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Well-known member
Nov 10, 2008
North Carolina USA
Hello all. I'm Allen (aka BigAl) from the beautiful mountains of Western North Carolina. A few people may know me as BigAl07 from Reef Sanctuary or possibly seen my name on a "few" other forums around the net.

I'm not new to reefing but not a Pro either. I get by doing my "thang" my way. Most of my methods are the "Safe/Slow" ways but also they usually don't cause any tank crashes. :)

I am a computer kind of guy working in "Residential Construction Industry" (yea can you believe it ?). I love reefing, golfing, anything AVIATION related and enjoy IT type of work. I love to get out into nature any chance I can and love taking pictures.

Right now I only have 2 tanks:

  • a) RSM 130D (34g) Limited Edition set up in 2/2/2011
    It's currently running stock RSM lights but hopefully in the next few weeks it will be pimped out with my GHL ProfiLux Controller, Lightning Strobe, Lightning Stick and 100% Custom LED "Stealth" lights all inside the hood. From the outside it will look 100% stock but open the hood and Go BABY GO! :car: :lol:

    Stock Skimmer (for now) and Stock return pumps (they both work great)

    I added an MP10 and a Koralia #1 to the tank for more flow (I LOVE flow)

    Tank is running mostly softies, LPS and a couple of newly added SPS. Once I have the LED dialed in I'll be adding more SPS to the mix. I LOVE STICKS!​
  • b) JBJ NanoCube 12DX set up 3/2007
    It's been LED now for 2 years and LOVE it. It's in the process of re-structuring after I neglected it for several months (Water changes must be important LOL). I hope to have a shrimp/goby pair or something like that in here soon.

    It's running an upgraded return pump MJ1200 as well as a Koralia #1 for additional flow (I Love flow)​

That's it for tanks for me right now. Until my wife and I either buy a home or build one we're renting and don't want to get into another huge "Custom Build" until we own the home.

My wife Julie and I have been married for a smidgen over 20 years now and have a perfect record of ZERO kids LOL! We love kids just LOVE them to belong to someone else at the end of the night LOL!

I love anything that flies. I have my Single Engine Land Private Pilot rating and would LOVE to get my Heli rating some day. I fly R/C Airplanes (I instruct) and fly R/C Heli ( I do NOT instruct LOL).

My dream some day is to own a float-plane and a home in Fiji. Charter the plane in the mornings to fly people from island to island then run a Scuba/Snorkel service from noon till 5pm and then .... well then it will be 5 'oclock over there :) So when I'm gone missing come to Fiji and see me :)

Well that's about it for now. Want to know any more feel free to ask :) I'm always down for a good talk (aka Type).

Welcome to RF !!!

What part of NC? I lived in CLT for 14yrs before moving to WA (hence my name NC2WA) 5 yrs ago.

We are a friendly community here and are willing to help. Just ask away !!!

Oh yeah, we also like Pics, so if u have any tank pics..post away :D
Welcome Big Al!!! :welcome:. I see you like anything that flies!!! Well come on down to the Bahamas! Mosquitoes are pretty thick from summer to about this time of year until it cools down to a whopping mid 70F!! :D

Looking forward to seeing your tanks and hope you hang around. This is a great place here which I'm sure you will soon learn! :)
Thanks for the welcome :)

I'm from a small mountain town (I mean small) Clyde, North Carolina. If you blink you miss it literally. We got our 2nd redlight last year and that's 1 too many LOL! We're about 15 miles west of Asheville, NC home of "The Biltmore House & Gardens". I live about 10 minutes from Waynesville (where I work) and about 15 minutes from Maggie Valley NC. Other thank short supply of SW goodies this is an amazing place to live.

Yes anything that flies! They've have to be REALLY big because I'm a big-ole-boy! If I can fly it I'm all about it LOL!

I've heard great things about this site so I thought I'd dig in a little deeper. I know a few people here (don't hold that against me LOL) and hope to get to know many more!

Here is a picture of my 90g system that I had to tear down (this is right before I broke it down)

Here's my RSM 130D from a couple weeks ago
Very nice!!! I only see one fish in each tank LOL!! Are you like me that goes small on the bioload or are all the other fish just hiding? I had 4 small fish in a 75gal haha! Always loved the look of a tank full of fish, but love a clean tank more. :)

nice pics...

Yes, I know where clyde is. I had a season pass to the Biltmore house and went there several times a year..this is one of the places I miss when I left NC.
Very nice!!! I only see one fish in each tank LOL!! Are you like me that goes small on the bioload or are all the other fish just hiding? I had 4 small fish in a 75gal haha! Always loved the look of a tank full of fish, but love a clean tank more. :)

Thank you. I miss my 90g big time. Due to some "life changes" I had to tear it down and sell it and move my most prized coral/fish into the 34g. Unfortunately time was not on my side and in a haste I ended up crashing the 34g and lost almost everything. I lost 2 coral that I had been on a waiting list to get for 2 years, 1 Red Planet which was my favorite coral, 1 stylophoria that I "rescued" from a frag as small as a pencil eraser, and my 4 year old Purple Reef Lobster. Those are just the things I remember most that I lost. Oh well such as life. I was forced to make some changes and I did what I had to do. Life goes on yes? :)

My next tank will be either a pair of tank combined in an "L" fashion or one large 300+g tank. I'll have a sump and fuge in the basement both of which will be 100g livestock watering tubs and everything will be driven, controlled, lit by GHL ProfiLux.

Krish thanks for the kind words. I'm not a big fish guy (I do like them) and I like to keep my tanks on the LOW side of bio-loadville. It just makes life easier all the way around. On the flip side in both of those pictures there are more fish than you see they are just shy or happened to be hiding. Heck my 12g tank here at work has NO fish in it now for over 6 months LOL.

nice pics...

Yes, I know where clyde is. I had a season pass to the Biltmore house and went there several times a year..this is one of the places I miss when I left NC.

I hope to get to the Biltmore House some time this month to see "Christmas at Biltmore". There's just something magical about being over there during the Christmas season plus getting to tour (and sample) the Winery is a bonus too. :rockon:

"Christmas at Biltmore"

Hey Buddy! spare a dime lol, great to see you here finally someone that understands Canadian haha, say hello to the Mrs
LOL! I don't know if I understand anything LOL!

Hey I have a package stuck somewhere between my house here in NC and
3246 57th Avenue,
Red Deer, Alberta
T4N 5V5

Do you mind just running over to that location and looking around for my package? Thanks :) LMAO

I'll tell wifey hello and you do the same!! :)
Biltmore house still looks beautiful..Xmas and Spring were my favorite seasons.
LOL! I don't know if I understand anything LOL!

Hey I have a package stuck somewhere between my house here in NC and
3246 57th Avenue,
Red Deer, Alberta
T4N 5V5

Do you mind just running over to that location and looking around for my package? Thanks :) LMAO

I'll tell wifey hello and you do the same!! :)

if its stuck in Red Deer your s.o.l. not driving through those damn mountains again, every corner you go around is a different climate, T says Howdy
Yea if it is stuck in Red Deer its already been stolen, lol Good thing you joined up Al, I didnt think Sas was going to come out from under that rock for a while, lol

Stolen? Zoiks! Don't say that. It's my GHL ProfiLux controller I'm getting upgraded so I can run my custom "Stealth" LED array on my tank. I need it there and back ASAP!

Sas out from under a rock? NOT possible LOL! T has him on Lock-Down :)
Update: It's my RSM 130D factory hood that's lost in Canada not the controller. GHL has my controller in hand and is updating it. The hood is MIA and they left the same time and to very close places. I need someone HIGH in government to call so they can go find my hood LOL!

Sas... got any inside phone #'s? :)
Yea if it is stuck in Red Deer its already been stolen, lol Good thing you joined up Al, I didnt think Sas was going to come out from under that rock for a while, lol


maybe if "certain" people weren't Too busy to play, besides the rock has satellite and beer
Ive notified Dudly Doright, when he gets finished with Nell he will have a look about for your hood, it may have been mistaken as an insurgent and deported to country of origin, probably quite a ride to mainland C lol