just testing how to upload picture

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Well-known member
Mar 12, 2008
Kirkland, WA
there's also imageshack which is free on quick reply insert image take direct link copy from imageshack paste into insert image!
very EASY!
Here is a pic i jus uploaded from imageshack! I've notice with photobucket pics dont last forever, with imageshack they do!
I can't figure out how to set WB. I tried once but couldn't do it right.

set WB to auto,,then shoot it to the white piece of paper(away from the blue light on your tank,camera will auto capture the WB itself,,then try to shoot on your coral..(following you WB setting on camera manual)

or,set WB to the preset on your camera,,then experiment with every one of them till you like it,,good luck
i did copy of your jpeg format from your D40 camera,,i can find out everythings from your picture(camera used/setting wise)you took this pic july28 6:02pm,,surprise,,no not surprise any body can find out,,i just taking WB down ,,if it 16bits or 64 bits format it willbe alot better,contrast and brightness that all,absolutely no color enchancement,,check this out from your shot

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I am shooting with a Nikon d40. I assume that I just put a white piece of paper on the outside of the tank glass and take a picture of it to set the white balance? I can use this method to pre-set or use auto for the camera to auto capture the WB? (as stated by Dang)....
that definitely look more like my Lobo....Geez I need to figure out how to do that. How did you change settings to my photo?

i did copy of your jpeg format from your D40 camera,,i can find out everythings from your picture(camera used/setting wise)you took this pic july28 6:02pm,,surprise,,no not surprise any body can find out,,i just taking WB down ,,if it 16bits or 64 bits format it willbe alot better,contrast and brightness that all,absolutely no color enchancement,,check this out from your shot

i can tell you ,,but i like to the first one on the frag,,if you design to frag it.
here it is ..,,from the wonderful word of digital photo editing called lightroom and PS4:)
that definitely look more like my Lobo....Geez I need to figure out how to do that. How did you change settings to my photo?

Photo Shop or lightroom software. That crap sucks man... Not the software itself but if you can't take good pics without having to alter the pics contrast and colors to make it look better than thats wack! IMHO All pics of corals should be strait from the camera and bypass any photo enhancing software. Anyone can be a great photographer if you use these types of software to correct everything and make everything look better than they are. You see that alot nowadays.