Just thought i would share my misfortune

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Well-known member
Jun 29, 2007
So i left for Chirstmas break ... a long break.. i was planning on just letting my tank ride the wave and see if it would have been ok when i got back. Its been fine in the past i mean heavy water change and we are back on coarse.

I did that this time and my roommate calls to tell me that my tank is making a weird noise.. after she discribes it i understand that one of my powerheads was a little to much out of the water and making a weird grinding sound. Nothing much to worry about.. i ask her how the tank looks and she tells me its looking horrible and everything is dead... Completely shocked and upset i listen to her tell me how the water was slow so she filled my tank with "Fresh Tap water" Cold Fresh tap water... My corals and my clown fish did not survive the complete change of enviroment... She then told me that she was going to just unplug everything.. I asked her kindly if she would move the rocks into my 55 Gallon tank so that they could keep some of the bacteria... she said there was NOway she was putting her hand into gross water plus she didnt have the time....UGH!

Got home today everything looked very dead and sad.

oh well looks like im starting from scratch. The 55 gallon was just in the cycling phase.

Rest in peace my 12 gallon nano that was over 3 years old very established :(
I'm very sorry to hear this. That's quite a shame.

There's a lot of different methods to avoid this in the future. In the library, there's a couple articles on how to handle vacations. All of my tanks were taken care of by a couple of boys but I had written instructions on everything for them.
sorry to hear this...

what was the cause...

12g sounds like a top off issues?
Maybe in the future, you could give a friend or your roomate a few tank basics on upkeep. This could have easily been easily avoidable by at least saying "dont touch anything without calling me first".:idea: Apparently your roomate didnt have a clue that your tank was saltwater.
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I am very sorry for your loss. Three years is quite an accomplishment for a small nano.

What are your plans for the 55-gallon tank?

well i'm starting from scratch with the 55 gallon... so i dont know i dont have a clue yet.

I am planning on turning the 12 gallon into a freshwater tank.

plus yeah she had no clue it was saltwater... but she would have done anything with it anyway because she is kind of a girlie girl and doesn't want to get wet or dirty. :|

I'm almost completely sure at this point that the cause was top off issues and the adding of freezing cold tap water to the tank. the temperatures outside where about 20 degrees and i'm sure the water was close to that, well not that close but in the 30-40 range.
thanks everyone yeah im still upset about it but meh pick up the pieces and start over right?

But yeah thanks guys you all know how much this sucks.. i have been telling roommates and friends and they are used to having Siamese fighting fish and they dont understand.
hey you should leave that 12gal nano as saltwater and just use it as a quarentine and frag tank. :) thats what im doing i grow my frags in there till they get big enough and then move it into my bigger tank plus i get to keep my cool smaller fish in there