just wondering about my salt

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Oct 5, 2004
hey doods and doodettes
i was just wondering something, i just bought a bag of I.O. not to long ago, now that i'm using it, for some reason evertime that i add my 2 cups to the water, it makes the water go white for some time and then it clears out, is that normal? :confused:
and how come it does that?
sorry if this is sounding funny :p
You always sound funny Gabster(LOL) Are you throwing the salt right into the tank with out letting it air out and dissolve in a bucket of water first? That will happen if you are...
lol good then :p .
no dood, i'm not that crazy :D (now i see how bahamians do it :D) .. just joking .
i first make my water in a bucket and i let it sit until the next day, but if i stir the water it makes it go white too:confused: and i don't think it's my glasses:rolleyes: dood.
That's wierd...Stop using the paint bucket and get a clean one then (LOL) I have no idea what to tell you Gabby. If it eventually clears up then it should be cool. You could have had the problem I had...I just opened a new box of IO yesterday when I did a water change and it was one solid piece! I had to use a knife to break it up! I hope it is still good because I used it anyway...Still tasted salty(LOL)
lol :D !!
dood sorry but it's not a paint bucket, it's actually another empty salt bucket.
but i guess since you are using salt that is hard as a rock, i guess mine is fine then :p i was just wondering why it does it.
go bears ??
dood you mean go seahawks :D yuuhhuu, i know they are gonna make me proud this year i have a feeling deep in my heart.
now let's just hope Chuck doesn't send this thread to the water fountain dood, otherwise we'll never know what happened to my salt :D
go bears ??
dood you mean go seahawks yuuhhuu, i know they are gonna make me proud this year i have a feeling deep in my heart.
now let's just hope Chuck doesn't send this thread to the water fountain dood, otherwise we'll never know what happened to my salt

yeap i have a feeling :lol:
i guess we're gonna have to get best while it lasts .. so go seahawks !!:D

darn it Krish!! now i have to go to the bathroom and it's your fault !! i just can't stop laughing dood
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When I mix my new saltwater, it will be whitish too because the salt mix hasn't dissolved yet. But after that, the IO saltwater should be clear.

Is it possible your pump you are using is making really fine bubbles and the whitish part you are seeing are microbubbles?

- Ilham
thanks Ilham :) .
dood, the only time i see this happening is in the bucket once i stired the salt and then when i dumped the water into the tank because i stir it again.
It is normal. I would highly recommend that you get a powerhead or pump to stir the water for 24 hours prior to dumping it into yoru tank. This will throughly dissolve the salt. If it is still white when you're dumping it into the tank, that is not good.
It will be whitish too

Same with Me Gabby when i mix my IO it will be cloudy for a hour or so then kind of clears up. I usally make 30 gallons at a time and run a pump on it 24 hours...Jeff

Elmo18 said:
When I mix my new saltwater, it will be whitish too because the salt mix hasn't dissolved yet. But after that, the IO saltwater should be clear.

Is it possible your pump you are using is making really fine bubbles and the whitish part you are seeing are microbubbles?

- Ilham
Thanks so much doods.
i'll put a powerhead in there to keep it stired :) .
i was just worried that i was dumping something bad in the tank.
wondering about my salt

most if not all of the salt mfg'rs do a poor job of mixing the dry ingredients. salt should be mixed slowly in to the water that is preferably at room temp at least, or at best the temp it will be in the tank as SG is calibrated per temp,ie: the same saltwater at 80 deg f will read different ( and be different Sg wise) than at 70 deg f. I believe what you are seeing is precipitation in the bucket as the ca, alk, mg are clashing in their effort to dominate the new water. if it still shows white after mixing and sitting then indeed it has precipitated and very often once precip has occurred it can not be dissolved again so if it did precip then your new water is deficient in some of the components.;)
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Run a pump or a powerhead in the saltmix and you'll get things more thoroughly dissolved. Rugie is right about Salinity being affected by temp, so if you're able to, add a (small) heater to the mix and bring it up to the same temp as your tank.

ok Nick, i will thank you so much .
i didn't change my water yesterday just because of what huge Tom, Ilham, and rugie said.
so yeah i put a powerhead in there and i'm gonna put the heater in there too.
good thing that you guys told me because i have never done it this way so, i'm sure i'm gonna see some changes.
The added bonus of using a PH or pump to mix your water is that it dissolves MUCH faster...
