Kalk not disolving??

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Apr 20, 2011
Woodinville, WA
Hi Everyone,

My tank is at the point that I need to start using Kalkwasser in my ATO. I picked up a container of SeaChem Kalkwasser from a LFS. However, when I try to mix it with RO/DI water, it never clears up.

I'm only putting in about 1/2 Teaspoon per gallon (2 1/2 Tsp in my 5G ATO), so I know it's not saturated. I have used kalk before (on another tank years ago), and even when I over saturated it, everything settled to the bottom and the Kalkwasser was clear.

I put 2 1/2 Tsp in my 5G ATO over 24 hours ago and it's still so cloudy that you can't see through it (it has clear sides). I stirred it initially with a powerhead for 10 mins, and then let it sit undisturbed for 24 hours.

Did I get a bad container of Kalk?

Thanks for any help!
supposed to turn water milky just keep from pulling the solids off the bottom that settles. if u use too much on tank it will turn all cloudy dont worry just shut down ato or swich to fresh water and sump/skimmer/fuge will clear tank in an hr or so. mixint ato with kalk is a tryal and error untill u get doseing perfect test ur cal everynight untill maintaining perfect 400- 460ppm. as tank matures it will require more and more so 1nc a month makesure u dont need to increase dose. also remember on these hot days ur going to pull in more ato so put that into consideration.
Actually, the milkiness should clear. When I mix up a batch I add whatever amount I'm going to use, run a powerhead in it for several hours, then let it sit until it's clear. It may take 2-3 days but it should clear. After that, skim off the top and pull what you want out of the bucket for dosing in the tank.

wow i just mix when im adding water to the bucket then place dosing pump in and let the reefkeper do the rest. i have never let it sit for 3-4 days in my opinion that could be bad if has no water movement. think of stagnant water never good. if my tank dont use the 5 gal in 2 days i rince and start new ato. and the only thing i mentiond about 1 hr was if u over dose youre tank what do do.
In the past (different tank, years ago), it has always cleared up within a few hours. This is the first time (in my experience) that 1/2 Tsp per gallon has not cleared.

I posted the same thing on RC and Randy Holmes-Farley replied with the below comment:

Limewater most often does noy get clear. There are always insolubles remaining. Mix it and then let it settle overnight and then it is good to go, whether it still appears cloudy or not. :)

I'm going to run this batch with my fingers crossed. I'll pick up a new container of Kalk to see if there is something with the container that I have.

Thanks for all the help and feedback!

My experience has been varied degrees of cloudy after mixing from pretty much clear to a little cloudy. don't know why. do it the same every time. I recently added 2 tsp to a gallon of water and let sit for half hour then only poured the top 2/3 into my 29g ato resevoir and suprize~! the bottom of the 29g ( THATS 29 GALLONS FOR 2 TSP) is white with powder residue....and even settles out after stiring. pretty sure I wont be doing this again and would buy a reactor if I wasn't 2-parting for now untill I can get a calcium reactor.