keeping it up

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Mar 24, 2009
spokane wa, northside
im new to this. i have 50 gallon tank tall. i got yellow tang and 2 maroon clowns and 2 dasels. and about 30 pounds of rock. I need to know when i need to feed them and how many times. and when to keep lights on and for how long. another concorne is my protein skimmer is letting to many micro bubels inside the tank. and bearly is skimming anything out..

First off what kind of skimmer is it??
Second the tang should have a lot of algae ..
I feed 3 times a day but my skimmer is HUGE and I have about 1 lbs of rock per gallon..
Lights is another story, what kind of lights are they and what wattage..
I run my ACT 2 hours befor MH go on and run MH for 10 hours then run ACT 2 hours after the MH go off..
My skimer is a 75 gallon jabo skimmer. And my light i have a daylight mooon light and blacklight . All seperate. And i usually turn the light on at 11 am . And turn it of at 10 or 11 pm.
Like bubbels. They are little tiny ones. That the skimmer produces and lets them out. In side the tank . My problem is maybe i dont have a sump tank to keep those bubels traped there . I relly dont know i will try to post a pic in a few.