koralline reactor, might buy it????????????????

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Well-known member
May 7, 2005
so. cal
hey everyone i got the ok to get a calcium reactor. i have been looking into the korallin reactor this one; https://www.reefgeek.com/products/c...rs/103785.html. i looked at marinedepot too this is the sameone over there, more discription though. here;http://www.marinedepot.com/md_viewI...product=KTKLCP2
by the discription given it says you do not need a controller. i do have a ph monitor already. it this ture you dont need a controller? what would be the difference if i did not have one oppossed to haveing one? also it says its a kalk reactor (calcium reactor) so what is it a Ca+ reactor or a kalk reactor, or is it a combo. if so is it better to get both a Ca+ reactor only and a kalk reactor only with a contoller. or would this unit be all i need. its for a 150gal system. i would like to just buy this one and thats it. i am afraid whatever i buy now will be the only time for a while i can spend the money. would rather spend a little more now than have tell my girl in a month i need to buy something else that will cost more money. another words i can spend $1000.00 now on whatever. if i spend $1000.00(would rather not) now she will be cool with that. but if i spend $500.00 now she might have issues if i want to spend another $500.00 in a month or so. same money but i think its more of spending attention on my tank not her. so i plan on getting what i get and will have live with it. so i want to do it right. can anyone help me out here??please??
thanks. i will look into that one. are the parts standard or would i have to buy everything from them?
started to itch to much had to scratch it. i just got back from reefgeek. i bought it with the extra little feeding pump. no controller. we will see if holds a good ph.
sweet thanks. i found that one, so much better than the directions it came with. because of my work schedule i have not been able to run it. its all ready to go. tommarrow is my day off so i can start it then, when i can watch it and adjust. thank for the clarification on it. even the directions say its a kalkreactor. i did not think so, dont know why they call it kalkreactor. thanks again.