"Lab" grade test kits.

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I have some old Salifert test kits that came with a system I bought...Calcium, Phosphate, Amonia and Nitrate. Do they expire? I couldn't find any expiration dates on the boxes.

Look for a yellow tag on the top of the boxes. This is how Salifert does thier expire dates. At least this is what my Salifert test kits have had for the past 8 years.
What I have always wondered is why a brand new kit doesnt work. I had to buy three kits for mg before I got reliable results.
What I have always wondered is why a brand new kit doesnt work. I had to buy three kits for mg before I got reliable results.

Both me and another local hobbyist purchased Salifert MG kits from a local fish store that were totally horrible. 300-400ppm off and well over a year before their expiration date.

Wonder if the company will take care of all their bad batches that were put out while the company was invisible and hiding.

WOAH, there website isn't "Coming soon"! First time I've seen something new on their website in 3 years!
Ha ha... Boomer is here too :)

Got sorta banned from Reef Central - for speaking the truth, oh well.

Question is, did Hanna fix that alkalinity meter?
I highly doubt that "speaking the truth" was the sole reason for whatever happened. I'm sure HOW you decided to "speak the truth," (your opinion) had more to do with whatever happened, than the "truth" you were trying to speak. 41 posts, bashing a manufacturer, bashing supporters of that mfg, who are willing to let the mfg solve the problem, bashing moderators and bashing the forum, as a whole, in 3 days, on several different subforums, probably has more to do with the outcome, than "speaking the truth."

That being said, we discourage members from publicly bashing others, whether it be other forums or manufacturers. Your other post has been removed, pending review by Reef Frontiers staff members.

A word of advice....

Joining a forum, for the sole purpose of bashing another forum, or for bashing a manufacturer, isn't a great idea. I'm not implying that's what you've done, but your first 2 posts don't leave me much reason to believe otherwise. Please prove my wrong, by becoming an active and contributing member, here on Reef Frontiers.

Welcome to Reef Frontiers!!
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vitalik4eva I am interested in hearing "the truth", please send me a PM. Please don't make another post about it here though as the mods have asked you not to. I too am very annoyed by some companies, but haven't spent much time talking about them online or gone out of my way to voice my frustrations. Life is too short to waste time focusing on negatives.
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Gordonious, we have no problem with the truth being known, as long as it's done in a respectful manner.

It seems that Hanna Alkalinity meters are available, for sale. It also seems there is some question as to their accuracy, and questions to the ability of a meter or probe to even measure alkalinity, without the use of a titration test. Questions have also been raised about how this new meter works, given that titration or colorametric tests seem to be the only accurate way of testing alkalinity.

So far, there seems to be some issues with the accuracy of these meters, which it would seem, Hanna is working on these issues. Whether they'll be successful, is to be seen.

Boomer is very aware of these meters, and has made comment on them, that I very much trust. I'll await his answers and trust in his knowledge.

It could very well be that these meters just aren't going to work out, for Hanna. Or, they may solve the issues and present our hobby with a great device. However, commenting on them in an irresponsible, disrespective manner, is not the way to go.
Gordonious, we have no problem with the truth being known, as long as it's done in a respectful manner.

Completely understand just wanted to hear what he was all excited about. I have reason to be upset, or at least disappointed, in two of the vendors we recently discussed and just wanted to hear what he had to say, but just in a private message.

Completely understand where you are coming from returnofsid as I've been a moderator on another site for years and active on several forums for many years now.
Hi Boomer,
Any word on Habib's new alk test kits? Is he planning on releasing them soon? I didn't turn up anything with a quick web search, and I figured you would have the lowdown.
I'm using Elos but I'm not happy with the color change point, I sure do wish it were sharp and clean like their Mg and Ca kits.
So I guess that Hach would be your other\better choice? Are their drop count titration kits good or do I have to go all crazy and get the Digital titration kit?
Perhaps a quick pro and con between the two if you have time...
Sorry I'm late but I'm on the hwg to Texas.

No, that is not the one, it is way to high, 385 - 8500 ppm.

You want the AL-AP, which is 1 -20 gpg, which is 0.4 - 8 gpg and 1-20 gpg range

However, remember that it is expressed as gpg and not ppm

ppm = gpg x x17.1

2.9 gpg = 50 ppm = 1 meq / l = 2.8 dKH

So, as you can see 1 gpg is almost the same as dKH.

The Lamotte, Code 4533-DR, Model WAT-MP-DR

When I give out HACH it is the Digital Titrator but is waaaaay to pricey for most.

In any of these add 10 % for seawater adjustment. Meaning, it you get 6.2 dKH, then SW = 6.2 + (6.2 x 10 %) = 6.82 dKH.
Thanks much Boomer.
What are the main advantages of the digital titrator?
It looks like better measured drop count, is that it?
Do you still use the MK1 eyeball for color change?
I'm not exactly jazzed about the $250 price point, but if it is faster/cleaner/easier/more accurate I'm not opposed either.
The drops from the DT are very, very small. And yes still the eye ball but it works better if you put the large beaker you get on white typewriter paper as that makes it much easier to tell the color shift/End-Point. $250 yes but remember one can the get just the reagents and instructions for the many other DT tests :) It is the DT that is the initial cost.
Thanks Boomer!
I already have the hach kit on the way, when I use that up I will order the DT. What the heck, I can use all the help I can get :)
No new news about the Salifert pro?
I take it you are back to balmy northern MN... Hey it's all they way up to 20 today, wow!
No, nothing from Habib yet.

Nope, still in Texas for 6 more weeks. I missed all that - 20's F below zero and all the snow :)
Wow! Thanks for the Hach tip Boomer!
So with two Elos kits 3 months apart and the oldest less than 8 months old I get alk=7 or 7.7 adding 10%. Tested three times each test, six total tests. Five tests show 7 and one showed 7.5.
With the Hach AL-AP MG/L I get 180Mg/l which (I think) is = 180ppm which according to salty zoo is 10.8dKH, add 10% = 11.088 dKH. This proved to be consistant.
I have a few concerns:
1. The kit did not come with a calibration solution so I will order one tomorrow. I should have thought of that, and Hach is SLOW on the shipping.
2. mg/l=ppm yes?
3. The low test is from 5-100mg/l (too low) and the high test is 20-400mg/l this means that for the high test each drop of titrant=1.12 dKH which seems to be a bit coarse. Should I be using a different test?

Thanks Boomer!