lack of oxygen cause fin rot?

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Well-known member
Nov 1, 2012
Hi everyone
I have 2 clowns 1 seems to have fin rot after my sump pump failing for a day and a half. The other seems fine but seems to be getting bullied by the one with fin rot. They have always got along and seemed happy now that this has happened the both seem to have perked up and looking 50 times better but one has fin rot and the other is getting bullied by him. What is the best way to cure fin rot or since I caught it within under 2 days will good water quality be enough? And is there any reason the one with the rot would be picking on the other? It kindof looks like serious fighting so maybe deciding who will be dominate and change to the girl? Thanks everyone....
The one who's sick could feel threatened in it's weakened state, therefore has become more aggressive. Or was being picked on before hand.
Ammonia is generally the cause for fin rot. More commonly fin rot is caused by poor water quality in your aquarium. In fact, most fish diseases are caused by poor water quality.
Several water changes over the next week should help :) Good luck and keep us posted.

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I know that it had poor water quality.... because the sump pump was not running and therefore there was no gas exchange or air getting put back in the tank. I was wondering if since i fixed the issue will they start to heal? Ammonia nitrite Ph and nitrates are all 0 and Ph is 8.3
Idk I haven't read my fish books in awhile. Ill check my book or books later when I get home.