Yellow Tang Rescue - Fin rot

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Sorry for the lack of updates. We have been really busy with this 250g build (which is almost ready for water :clap2:). The yellows are alive and well, but the fins on one are growing back much faster than the other. Once I post some pictures you will see what I mean. I'm not sure that the one will ever fully recover, some of the spine damage seems permanent. Both have gotten reasonably fat and their tails are back to normal. They have been pretty camera shy, but I will try and get you guys some picture updates.

Yellow Tang update

Ok, I finally have some picture updates. I added these guys to my display after a long quarantine and having to treat them for just about everything... This is their first day in. After getting them under the reef lights I was able to see that the paleness faces seems to be beginnings of HLLE. I noticed this before, but I mistook it for the general paleness of their bodies. This has been getting better over the past couple months, but like their fin growth, hopefully being in a large reef tank will speed things up...

Also, like I mentioned earlier, one of the yellows has regenerated his tail but next to none of his dorsal fin and only a little bit of his anal fin. He looks terrible... does anyone else think this damage is permanent? I will keep him and love him anyway, it's just one of those things.

Sorry about the lame photography... these were taken with an iPhone.

Here is a girth shot:

I should also add that my resident yellow tang is paying them no attention at all :) And the 3rd yellow tang in picture #3 (top left) was another rescue that I didn't post about. He was never in as bad of shape so I didn't really think it necessary - but there he is! He's almost looking normal again :)

I haven't gotten you guys an update in a while so here it is. I promise one of these days I'll get a real camera and stop playing with my iPhone, but I'm throwing all my extra money at a new build! :cool: I'll have the great big tank up within a couple of months (hopefully). It's sitting empty in my living room right now. Not quite what we were picturing last year, it's a 600g (outside dimension) peninsula.

As you can see, YT #1 is looking much better. He was the one that was on his side gasping for air when I brought him home, no fins at all. (Now that I think about it, he probably had a bacterial gill infection on top of his fin rot.) He almost looks normal now other than the warped spines and a little facial discoloration.

YT #2.... still pretty ragged-looking. His anal fin is growing upwards instead of down, but at least there is some growth. I think once that heals more his dorsal fin might start coming back in. His recovery is probably going to take years, if it happens at all.

Both tangs have grown considerably, they were about 2/3 the size they are now when I got them. I feed several times a day and add supplements once every couple of days, so I'm sure that is speeding it up.
ami, much better looking...a 600g tank...Jealous!! this is a tank where I could go nuts adding my
Thanks. I'm glad they are shaping up :)

We can't put off upgrading any longer. My Achilles tang wants to SWIM! I have a couple of fish that are growing fast, plus with this new build I'll get a sump room. May have to post a thread for it :)
I guess just an update, both of them are doing really well in the tank. They have split the tank in half during "quiet times" when the grazers arent roaming the tank in a pack at night and just do some mild posturing with each other. But no fights, my concern with the foxface trying to bully them was completely unfounded, though early on there was a humorous exchange where they were literally showing off. The foxface was swimming on his side with his dorsal spines facing the bigger yellow tang and the tang was wiggling with his tail facing the foxface.

"whatcha gonna do with this??"

"whatchu gonna do with THIS??"

"Oh yeah?"

"Oh YEAH!"

Ok girls, your both pretty. Now go eat some nori and make up.

They are easily my wife and daughters favorite fish.

Will post some more photos of them next month so you can check in on them.
That's pretty cool. I was concerned about potential bullying when I added a 3.5" foxface to my 90-gallon reef which had a 4" yellow tang. The tang was huffy for a week or so, but now is cool.