Large clams spawning

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Apr 7, 2007
Barry, I do not know if you are on but I had 7 large squamosas spawning with in the last hour. The tank is 600 gal with a 200 gal refugium Now the larger Gigas and maximas are spawning. I can't see into the tank. I put large bag of carbon in refugium There are 50 clams in there, some small but all the larger ones are going crazy. The tank had a large number of SPS. Am I in trouble with this situation? I only have enough water made up for maybe a 60 gal water change. I did 100 gal last weekend and have not caught -up yet. Thanks
welcome to reef frontiers hurlock

i would make up as much water change water as you can and wait untill they are done then do as large of a water change as you can.
I don't have an answer for you but that sounds like a pretty impressive looking tank with all those clams. Post some pics
I'm making up water right now...try to do a 140 gal water change when the spawning stops. The tank looks like Kalk mix right now. I'll take some pics when I clear this mess up. Don't have any idea what started the activity. I took one large Squamosa out of the tank today to clean some sponge off his shell. I've done it before with no adverse results. Even some of the Croceas are shooting.....Thanks
Like Chris said, since you tank is so large,do some large water changes and adding some activated carbon will also help clean your water. If you have a skimmer, check that as well because it will fill it up.....
Good stuff! I think your SPS will be loving it for a while. Probably haven't had a meal like that in a long time if ever............
Some pics would be great if you have some.
O.K. things have settled down. I did a 120 gal water change at 1:00AM and another 70 gal at 4:00 AM What would cause such an event. The 600 gal has ben up for ten years with always a large clam population. I've built the population up recently(last 8-9months) from about 30 clams to 50. The only thing I did yesterday was clean a large Squamosa of sponge on his shell. I did take him out of the tank for about 10 minutes. Also last night I was doing some cleaning and took my turkey baster and createdsome cloud by hitting some of the rock crevices and areas around some large coral heads. It clouds the water somewhat but feeds at the same time. I've done it many times before with no adverse affects. Do I have too many clams in a closed system? I'm going diving for two weeks Indonesia (aggressor boat) and a week at Baili. I'm worried that the guy staying at my home (he knows some basics) will not be able to react. Actually I was going to visit CVDinar with the hopes of transhipping some clams home for myself and a couple of LFS. I love clams but maybe I'm pushing the envelope. I also have a 500 gal SPS tank with 7 clams but the 36" height and rockwork don't allow for too many more clams or moving some from the other system. Thanks for your input and I'll take some pictures this weekend...Hurlock
Tridacnids reproduce by spawning, as they spew millions of sperm and eggs into the surrounding waters where they can mix with those of other nearby clams. This does occur in aquariums at times, if a clam is mature and healthy. But it can occur if a specimen is greatly stressed too.
Don't know which cause made yours spawn. Maybe you stressed the one that you took the sponge off.
sorry i can't help with the spawning questions but i'd love to see pictures of your tank, it sounds amazing
"Giant clams are epidemic spawners and are stimulated to spawn by the presence of giant clam gametes (eggs or sperm) in the water."

This may be why the others spawned.
Normally spawning is triggered by some sort of stress.

At some of the clam farms, they will take a clam or clams out of the water for a period and then place it back into a holding area and then one will start to spawn and then becomes a chain reaction. Some will make it through the spawn and some will not.
Barry, All the clams look good this morning. Do you think I will loose some through the spawn? ORp i coming back up rapidly after dropping 150 points last night in 20 minutes.I have a 4' My Reef creations Skimmer that is dual Beckett. It is now finally starting to skim. Should I do another water change over the weekend? Besides Carbon I always run 2 12X12 poly pads. The pads were new last weekend but now are pretty black. They never turn in less then a week. Normally I run them a month and then change. The poly filters normally turn brown, never black. I'll change them again if you think it will help....Thanks
i think you will be fine. the ORP comming back up is a good thing. the major concern with a spawning in a closed system is from the die off of the gametes causing a bacteria bloom and sucking all the O2 out of the system