last questions befor i go get some soft corals

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Female Hermit crab
Jul 21, 2008
Tacoma WA
OK so i know corals dont need too much alk/cal. So does that mean as long as there is some its ok? Or should at a steady number? Will fluctuation of the alk/cal effect the coral in a negitive way? Now im talking softies and LPS not sps's.

About the lighting this is what i have 1x 250W DE HQI, 2x 65W Compact Fluorescent, 4x Dual Bluemoon LED X plus 2 fans. I think i am more worried about too much rather then not enough. Would just the fluorescents be enough? I plan on at least getting a brian coral and a candy cane coral today. But i also plan on having some shrooms and some ricordia.
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For LPS you want to keep alk/cal fairly stable. Not as stable as you would for sps. How large of a tank do you have? If it's small enough you should be able to keep these stable enough with just water changes.
As for alk/cal stability you should try and have it as stable as you can. From what I have read/ experience. The magic number for them is 10deg/400+ppm. As for you lighting, what size tank do you have? what dimensions? as a comparison, I have a 20L with 260w of PC lighting over it and have softies, lps and some sps and all are doing great.

I have a 29 gal tank. it measures about 1`9 inches tall. I already have the light so i would like to use it lol.

So are the corals going to be ok while im trying to figure out the proper dosage for them? I just dont want them to die but i guess you cant figure out what they need with out them being in the tank correct?

As for alk/cal stability you should try and have it as stable as you can. From what I have read/ experience. The magic number for them is 10deg/400+ppm. As for you lighting, what size tank do you have? what dimensions? as a comparison, I have a 20L with 260w of PC lighting over it and have softies, lps and some sps and all are doing great.

Softies and LPS will be find while you tune in your alk/cal. What salt mix brand will you use?
I use instant ocean salt. I am going to stop by Aquarium Paradise, indoor reef, and petco in lakewood im shooting for today but im thinking its going to end up being tomorrow.
Ok instant ocean salt is great stuff. I have used it for years with nothing but success. Aquarium paradise is good, they know what they are doing it just seems to me that you can get things cheaper elsewhere. Personally I wouldn't give petco any of my money for corals unless I knew that it was totally worth it and I knew I could SAVE it as petco doesn't have a clue on how to properly care for saltwater tanks IMHO.

Personally I would recommend you go to indoor reef on 6th and proctor there in Tacoma and have those guys test your water to make sure its all good. Then if everything checks out snag a couple corals if you would like.

sid, how did you figure out how to make that 2 part additive?

i second that you go to indoor reef instead its like a one stop shop there. he will also test your water but make sure you ask for him to test for whst u wnt him to. and he normally has good deals and is resonable for a fish store. lol
I would definatly stay away from Petco. As anyone will tell you they usually no nothing about what they're doing with saltwater.
I would say stay with a local well known company that is more dedicated to saltwater tanks.
And lastly, I have been running a 20H mixed reef and have had very good sucess with Oceanic salt. Seems to mix really well and the Cal/Alk levels are always great right from the get go. I have everything from softies, lps and sps in my tank now.

Hope this helps and now go have some fun picking corals. :eek:)
Thanks for the advice.

As far as Petco it all depends on who you talk to and who is working that day.:D I end up waiting because they are packed with people, and there is only ever one person in the area. Other wise they have a best aray of fish i have seen in the area but not much for corals at all! I do want to know who grabed that open brain coral! thats why i wen there today but it was gone.

I went to Aquarium Paradise today and stood around waiting for help for about a half hour, my only thing with that is no one was doing anything. One guy was on ther computer and the other was on the phone. And they were not busy, no one was in there but me and one other person. I just wanted to know the price of the candy cane coral they had i asked both the guys and they both told me to wait a min and never got back to me.

Same thing happend at indoor reef but i was ignored because the workers were too busy talking to each other to help us. But they have the most corals i think.

Man i gotta say these small shops need better costomer service or to get them kids working out of there its just plain ol rude. Maybe its the new hair dye. lol ignore me because im not blonde anymore. :p

I will try my search again tomorrow.

Sorry for the rant im just mad because i came home empty handed.
Thanks for the advice.

As far as Petco it all depends on who you talk to and who is working that day.:D I end up waiting because they are packed with people, and there is only ever one person in the area. Other wise they have a best aray of fish i have seen in the area but not much for corals at all! I do want to know who grabed that open brain coral! thats why i wen there today but it was gone.

I went to Aquarium Paradise today and stood around waiting for help for about a half hour, my only thing with that is no one was doing anything. One guy was on ther computer and the other was on the phone. And they were not busy, no one was in there but me and one other person. I just wanted to know the price of the candy cane coral they had i asked both the guys and they both told me to wait a min and never got back to me.

Same thing happend at indoor reef but i was ignored because the workers were too busy talking to each other to help us. But they have the most corals i think.

Man i gotta say these small shops need better costomer service or to get them kids working out of there its just plain ol rude. Maybe its the new hair dye. lol ignore me because im not blonde anymore. :p

I will try my search again tomorrow.

Sorry for the rant im just mad because i came home empty handed.

Barrier reef my friend.........Barrier Reef.
I'll second the vote for barrier. They are worth the drive. As for the guys at indoor reef not giving you the time of day. They have a forum on here, post up saying that and I imagine that Paul (I'm pretty sure thats the correct name) will get you squared away. He's a good guy I'm just not so sure about the guys he has working for him.

Barrier reef!
Instant help, friendly staff
Tiny little shop
If only i would have known that yesterday when i had time to go out there! darn it. now im stuck at home. Maybe tomorrow. :(
That's surprising about Indoor Reef, they are usually pretty good. Although I usually only talk to Paul. Aquarium Paradise does suck and they are pretty spendy. Like everyone else says though, Barrier Reef is worth the drive as long as you are definitely buying something. If you just want some answers on some questions though, it's a bit far to go. For that, either come here or go to Indoor Reef and talk to Paul.