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Mar 28, 2004
Kent, Ohio
I have a 120 gallon high fowlr tank with a porcupine puffer, foxface, niger trigger,lunar wrasse, and a couple of damsels. I am running 2 power heads, a homemade 20 gallon sump, a bak pak 2 and an emperor 400 filter. nitrates have been a constant battle and i guess I want to know any ideas to lower them. they stay around 60. I am thinking abouta skimmer but i had a red sea skimmer and it didnt seem to help. what can i do?
Hi Saltguy! So you have nitrate problems huh? That sucks...Hopefully we all can help...

For starters are how old is the tank and are you using ro/di water? You said you are using 2 powerheads...Which ones and how much flow do they produce? If you have deadspots in your tank then that could be part of the problem as when detritus accumulates and sits on your rocks (or wherever) and is not removed, then water quality drops. Are you running a sand bed? If so, is it a dsb, or ssb? Also, how often do you do water changes and how much do you change? Another thing is you said you use an emperor 400 filter. Does it still have the bio-wheel in it? If so, then that can be causing some of the nitrate issues as the bio-wheels only convert ammonia to nitrite and then nitrite to nitrate and it stops there. So you get an accumulation of nitrates as a result of them. Same thing as usuing bio-balls in a wet/dry environment. Also, what are you running in the emperor filter? If carbon, how often do you change it because if it is not changes regularily, then whatever the carbon absorbs, will be leached back into your system once it is exhausted itself. If you are using the cartridge, how often do you clean it or change it? With those floss pads, wastes get trapped in there and if not removed from the system regularily, it will break down and diminish water quality as well. You said you had a 20 gal sump. What's in it? bio-balls, LR, macro-algae etc. Sorry so many questions...The answers to some of these questions may help everyone get a better understanding of your system which will enable us to help you...Best of luck and I hope we can all get you sorted out.
bio wheels in emperor. bio bale in bak pak. carbon filters in emperor changed monthly. mid size hagen powerheads. live rock in sump. water level at about half full in sump with no sand and no light.
my guess is that it's comming from your biowheels and bio bale...those things tend to be nitrate factories.
Yep since you have live rock to do the same job, I would remove the wheels one at a time over a few weeks, and the biobale media slowly as well.
I agree with Steve...It should cut down the nitrates quite a bit and then you can continue to flush them out with water changes...
Also other than the damsels, the fishes in your stock list are messy eaters, not to mention "poopers". How big are these fishes? How much LR is there in the tank? Are you planning on a reef? If not nitrates at around 20-35 are normal and fine for a FOWLR tank. What's your feeding regime like? Water changes?
I agree with everyone else get rid of the biowheels and bioballs. Add some live rock if you haven't already. With a heavy fish load you will probably always have a nitrate problem, but fish are much more tolerant of it.

The best device you had for controlling the problem was the Red Sea Skimmer. It removes a lot of the waste so the waste doesn't have to be processed by the tank. What a skimmer also does, which it is normally not given a lot of credit for, is help to maintain oxygen saturation in the water. Even more so important to have when you remove the bioball which do help to add oxygen. Maintaining a good oxygen transfer system is as important in a fowlr tank as it is in a reef tank and a skimmer does this as good as any device.
If your only interest is removing the nitrate, just use coil de-nitrators. Super cheap, super effective (once you find the right legnth).

Google "coil de-nitrator"