Leaving for Hawaii next month - Need Help

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Jan 31, 2006
I'm going on vacation for two weeks next month (leaving on the 13th). I think my tanks will be ok if left alone and covered so there is no (or very little) evaporation. My problem is my fish. I've got a sixline, a bicolor blenny and a occ. clown. Would someone be able to take care of them in their sump or something like that while I'm away? I dont really know how to go about this. Any ideas?
get a chap automatic feeder, i have one for when i go out for a day or so, they arnt the greatest thing to use but would work for what you need.
Ahhh man I wouldn't leave my tank unattended, but two weeks isn't too bad. See if you can find a local reefer in your area who could stop by every two days or so.

What I do is leave food out measured in cups in the refrigerator, have the neighbor girl dump them in. Also leave the phone number of a reef buddy in the area in case something goes wacky or things are dying.
i will babysit ANYONES tank in exchange for a trip to hawaii!!!! ill even do the dishes and mop the floors! but wait, who's gonna watch my tank?:confused:
i would get an auto top off system for ur tank, Ud be surprised how much water u can lose even with a closed top, as for hte automatic feeders, ive just heard too many bad stories about them and dumping in too much food=/ would see if u can get soemone you trust to watch them for u=) and if i were you (just cause im extra paranoid) i would make them take pictures of my tank and have them send the pictures to me every day=)
Good news! My friend will be staying at my house while I'm away, taking care of our animals. Now all I have to do is leave very detailed instructions and be sick with worry on my trip :)
Sounds like you are in for a good time, I will visit Hawaii some day, I hope.
I wouldn't stop at detailed instructions for your friend, I made my last tank sitter practice for a few days before we left. The funny thing is nobody else really seems to understand our paranoia so to them it isn't that big of a deal.

and try to set up pre-measured amounts of food for each feeding as the fish will always look hungry to a stranger and very few people can resist the temptation to overfeed. explain the begging thing to your babysitter and show what and when to feed and tell them how long you have been feeding that amount with good results,(notice how healthy the fish look?)
Aloha kakou,

I was back in Hawai`i for 5 weeks last summer. One of my pumps burned out while I was gone and I lost a couple of fish and a leather coral.

It was still worth it.

Have fun.

Malama pono,
Chris P.