Hi Salty,
First let me ask you what size nano you're trying to light, as well as what you're planning to keep in it? whether it be sps or lps/soft/zoa
In my opinion, there are two general ways you could go about with your LED project.
1) You could go with the pre-fab route and purchase a par38 bulb and BAM, you have a great light for your nano but this only efficient if you have a smallish nano with a footprint of less than 12x12x12, but if you have something much bigger, multiple bulbs would be needed and you'd probably be best off building your own fixture and somehow encompassing it into a fixture or a canopy.
2) You could also build your own LED setup, including buying 3w LEDs and rigging them up yourself! A great place to strictly buy LED's is definitely stevesled.com but his website doesnt give any info as to designing, wiring, or anything else. But building yourself a LED array isnt hard to do at all. You just need LED's, a powersupply and general knowledge of electrical components.
Hope that helps a little bit, ask away if you got any questions.