LED Lighting

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Boomer you were at MACNA, WOW I wish I was able to go. But I heard that the PFO Solaris was shown to the public for the first time and it basically broke?

Where you there for that part?

There was a thing on TV last night that 40 of the richest guys in the world are now Chinese

OMG Now I dont want to be that rich, I do not want to turn Chinese.

I do not know where you got that. I spent allot mof time with Pat from PFO, as I/we were trying to put more input into their lights as I collect LED flashlights. No, input does not mean more power, it meant new ideas base on optics. I never heard of any such thing as them breaking. I was at PFO many times. The only thing that broke there was a holding tank next to PFO, which flooded the floor.

I'm going next year also and more than likely IMAC also.

I think the issue with these light is they were designed for home plants and not us. Here is their website. There is nothing on aquatics.



LED's will be the light of the futrure for sure as there is so much you can do with them.

PFO's are garbage based on what studies have you done ?

They are making changes as we speak. And none of these other lights in discussion have all the thrill like things you get with PFO, that is if one wants them or needs them bujt is the reason for the high price. They will be putting out a no thrills light. I palyed with one at MACNA.



Yes that is for sure. :D

There was a thing on TV last night that 40 of the richest guys in the world are now Chinese :lol:

This is true, but they did in fact work. Now with the addition of the 10K and the newest prototype about to be sent over I am sure the company is clos eto finding the right light.. But I'll let you guys debate that..I'll just enjoy my tank..
the future, for lighting will all be led.

you house lighing, your car head lights, everything will switch to led sooner then later.

i think i read somewhere about it all being done, by 2012. (if we make it that long)

but leds, are so so so so so so so so much better then normal lighting, the power consumption is like 3/4 less the life is like 200x more.

led clusters are the way 2 go,

my friend is doing some resarch, for a big $$ compony, with led lighting, im not sure excactly what but he was rambling some tech blabel to me the other night.

i would be afriad to get the first ones that come out, cause like cars. the first thing produced, are the ones that will help make the next ones better.
Boomer, this company will have its products at IMAC, but that is 9 months away. I guarantee it will be the buzz of the Industry after the show if it is not already the buzz of the industry before then.

And ask your buddy Pat about having a bank of lights go out. I could be wrong it might have been Vegas.
Well we need a buzz on new lighting. LED is the future. I don't care who makes them, as along as they do or accomplish what we need. So far LED's are not there quite yet IMHO. The PFO is just a start.
Boomer I do not get excited about much stuff that comes out. And I am sure you are the same way. But after seeing the lighting I am speaking of, and then seeing the PFO lighting just a few short minutes after that, as well as reading people's experience with Solaris it did not take long for me to have an opinion. And that is also with me knowing about the bank of LEDs going out that I thought was common knowledge. Although both of these 2 lights are both LED they are not even close to the same thing. Kinda like T-5s and VHO, they are similiar. These LED lights are as different as HQIs to PCs. Next week I will try to find out when I can get my hands on a demo.