LED Lighting

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Jun 20, 2012
Renton, WA
How many LEDs should I have and how much watt should each LED? And what light spectrum is best for coral growth? Also what light spectrum is best for viewing corals?

If it depends on tank size, then lets assume I'm making a 125g a reef tank.
Assuming you are speaking of a tradiation 125 with a 72x18 footprint, I would say at a bare minimum go with either 4 Maxspect Mazarra P Modules or 2 of the Acan lighting 800 series fixtures. Of course, this is just a starting off place and you will probably want to upgrade, but its a place to start...
ill build u an led far better than u can buy and a lil cheaper as well send me tank specks an ill send u quote i have access to all the supplies. and my overhead is cheap and u can be ther for the build aswell.
Not sure what you DIY skills are, and not trying to take business away from senji, but building yourself is easy and cheaper with an endless amount of options for you to decide on. As far as cost you are looking at at least 144 LEDs ( colors of your choice ) 6 drivers, and 3 heatsinks. IMO optics are optional for a traditional 125. Up to you. Way easier and cheaper with satisfaction of doing it yourself.
Is that ~144 of the 3w LEDs? Are you sure colors are my choice? I usually see blue and white LED on the manufacturers units. Am i wrong to assume those are the colors that are best for coral growth? For plants and algae, red and blue LED help growth the most.Thanks for the offer Senji. I will keep you in mind if this project goes way over my head.
This is where it gets crazy, and debatable at the same time. Do a quick search on here to read up on LEDs you will save yourself a headache, but a quick sum of it all is. Some people believe that you need to provide as much of the natural sunlight spectrum as possible to bring out colors, alot of people are even adding "Violet" LED's to enhance coloration. THe typical blue and white will grow corals and it will look good. THe problem that people argue is that some corals need a certain spectral input for colors. THis is also where it gets really scientific. For photosynthesis your blue and white put out more then enough light in the 430nM to 460nM range, but the problem is even with just the whites there is very little of any other spectrum. LED's are pretty much spectrum specific. I say again do a little reading, ask a few questions as you go, and plan this out yourself. If you were to go and only do whites and blues your COrals will still grow and be happy, coloration of certain corals may be different then someone that has several different colors. Not better or worse just different.

You will need the 3w LED's though, the 3w LED's pack more of a punch to get through the column of water. I think that I read somewhere the water column can filter and refract up to 80 percent of your usefull light. SO obviously making sure your water is clear will aid in this, but there are still minerals in the water column that will stop the light. THat is why the 3w leds are used.

As far as going with Cree's though I have built several systems with Cree, I am a fan of the Phillips Luxeon ES series. Half the price and just as good. Yes Cree's have more lumens at certain ranges but ask how many people have their LEDs ran at full.

Phillips luxeon ES : Neutral White @350mA has 130lmns ($2.99 ea multiplied by 144 = $430.56
Cree : Neutral White (depending on bin but I gave the highest (RJ) @ 350mA has 122 lmns. (5.00 ea multiplied by 144 = $720.00)

(waiting for someone to bring up how the bin number is important)

So the choice of LEDs is yours and this is another one of those debatable subjects, but I say after you do some research on your own, go with what you believe to be the best for you, your tank, and your pocket.
the leds are the cheap part its the drivers, controller and heat sinks that are the big ticket items the leds are around 3.50 to 4.00 ea in ur case id run at least 120 on 12 strands of 10 that's 6 drivers 3 sinks and yes i do run violet green and red and run a 2 to 1 ratio of blues to cool whites and 2 violet 2 green and 1 red per heat sink. all ran in parallel.
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Do you guys have any maps or schematics drawn up to give some idea of placement? We're going to be doing a DIY and a schematic or map for placement would give us an idea of what goes where for ideal coverage. Some in common widths would be great, say 4 foot and 6 foot?
6 drivers at 35.00 = 210.00
144 phillips luxeon x 2.99 = 430.56
3x heatsink usa 7.280" x 20" = 140
A controller is cool if you want to spend the money on one and typhoon is a good one. But you can always go with manual dimming, with an off and on preset.
so for 800 you can have a nice light thaat will grow anything you want, with options. I still suggest researching and coming up with something that fits your tank.
dont forget wire, fuse holders, resistors, fans and power supplies, thermal adhesive or paste, optics and holders,solder, dimmers or controller, shrink tubes, molex connectors if u want pulg and play/detachable, and those are cheap sinks i dunno i payed 100$ for 1 18x8.5 annodized heatsink. cable tyes and zipties. a lil more than what he posted. especially if u want a good looking system. ill be posting video this weekend of a board im building now go check it out my full supplies list is on the thread. but dont let this discourage you its not as hard as 1 thinks.
What I was showing is the cost differential from crees, everything else that you are talking about can be bought for cheap. The majority of the cost for a LED light comes from the LED's, but I guess if you want "Anodized" then I guess the sink I was trying to show is cheap. But keep in mind that anodizing a heatsink does not improve the thermal management of the heatsink. So if you want to spend that extra money, then by all means do it. Optics in my opinion are not necessary unless your tank is 30" or more, unless you like the disco look. Again just my opinion.
I'll be following along, Interested to far. Would like to rid myself of my halides but not ready to take the plunge yet as i have other more pressing matters to spend cash on.... Haha

I am interested in your builds senji.
i heva a thred going now, finishing build today and firein it up. under general discussion.