LEDs to replace halides?

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Two is better!
Apr 9, 2005
Bellevue, Washington, United States
I've been all excited about LED lighting, but it occured to me I haven't really asked the question:

Can I replace my 2x 250w Halides with LEDs? I know people are using LEDs for color, or for moonlights. On a tank that houses just fish I can see them being a excellent light source, or on a much shallower nano tank.

But none of the fixtures I have seen come out and say "this can be used as your only light source on a reef tank"

So, before my friend wastes time building me a light, is it worth it? We were thinking of building a fixture with as many LEDs as I can fit into my existing pendants, or something simliar. Or building them into my hood to get completely even spread on the tank....

Thanks Guys!
I would talk to dolphinlvr as he just bought some for his build I believe his are rates to compete with 400 m/h

I most recently found reference to a company that makes a bulb that plugs into a mogul base and replaces a 250w halide, but the website they linked to is down :(

I've read alot about setups that are supposed to work, but I've never heard anything resembling a review, just the marketing stuff....
I know troyLee is doing a diy set up also he is on here I will have him chime in tomorrow. most that I find are diys only dolphinlvr's tank I will see with a bought fixture that is rated for a comparison.
There aren't many commercial LED fixtures because of a patent dispute and the fixtures that are available are pretty crippled feature-wise to dodge the patent. You kinda have to build your own right now but you can definitely use them as the only source of light and if you space them properly and use the right lenses they can produce the same PAR as any MH setup.
I've been all excited about LED lighting, but it occured to me I haven't really asked the question:

Can I replace my 2x 250w Halides with LEDs? I know people are using LEDs for color, or for moonlights. On a tank that houses just fish I can see them being a excellent light source, or on a much shallower nano tank.

You can most definately replace your halides and actinics with LED!

The ones I bought are 120W and I am able to adjust the kelvin rating from 13k TO 23k, adjust the intensity from 0% - 100%, 28 day Full moon schedule, sunrise and sunset and I can customize my own table if i want to do cloud simulation or any other special settings. All of this is accomplished via bluetooth!

I took the unit down to Barrier Reef and showed Cy and crew along with a few fellow reefers that I met. It was incredible as this was the first time seeing them in action over a tank.
The ones I bought are 120W and I am able to adjust the kelvin rating from 13k TO 23k, adjust the intensity from 0% - 100%, 28 day Full moon schedule, sunrise and sunset and I can customize my own table if i want to do cloud simulation or any other special settings. All of this is accomplished via bluetooth!


Now thats just cool!! Especially the blue tooth.
You can most definately replace your halides and actinics with LED!

The ones I bought are 120W and I am able to adjust the kelvin rating from 13k TO 23k, adjust the intensity from 0% - 100%, 28 day Full moon schedule, sunrise and sunset and I can customize my own table if i want to do cloud simulation or any other special settings. All of this is accomplished via bluetooth!

I took the unit down to Barrier Reef and showed Cy and crew along with a few fellow reefers that I met. It was incredible as this was the first time seeing them in action over a tank.

Who makes it? I'd like to read/see more on this!
At present, in the manufacturing and retail market, LEDs just aren't up to PAR (pun intended) yet. In the DIY arena, people are making LED fixtures that even compare to 400W MH. Unfortunately, there's only 2 forums that really have any good information on this, as of yet. RC and Nano Reef both have some very extensive threads on DIY LED builds. Maybe we can change that, and get some great information, here on Reef Frontiers!!
At present, in the manufacturing and retail market, LEDs just aren't up to PAR (pun intended) yet. In the DIY arena, people are making LED fixtures that even compare to 400W MH. Unfortunately, there's only 2 forums that really have any good information on this, as of yet. RC and Nano Reef both have some very extensive threads on DIY LED builds. Maybe we can change that, and get some great information, here on Reef Frontiers!!

I know I will be providing as much info as possible here on RF. I really want to get ahold of a PAR meter and do some testing after my tank gets setup and going through its cycle.
This is a subject that I am very interested in..I would switch in a heartbeat.Unfortunatly I have an all in one unit,so I am a bit limited..I also lack the knowelege and no-how to try this myself!
on glassbox design some guy made some diy plasma lights, but there only in the 6500k color temperature.
I was looking into this and talked to the main distributor from the manufacture in Poland.

There are many factors on to choose the 120W or the 160W units. It really boiled down to how deep your tank is. If you have a standard 24" or shallower tank you can go with the 120W. With the deeper tanks is when you need to start looking at the 160W unit.

Now lets talk price.

A great set of LED's is going to run you about $1,000 to $1,200 for the master unit and $900 to $1,100 for the slave units. The true savings is over time not upfront. With running your LEDs full blast (which I doubt you will) for 8 hours a day you will get about 15 to 16 years out of them 12 hours a day 11 to 12 years.

Now add it all up

Lets say you need 2 MH units. a great reflector $150.00 each (300). Ballast $150.00 each (300) for a good one plus tax or shipping etc. Bulbs $90.00 each ($180.00)
So to start you got about $750 to $800 into your MH. Every 9 to 12 months you are changing the bulbs. ($180) If you change them at 9 months that is 16 times in 12 years. 180 x 16 = $2880.00 and 20 times in 16 years 180 X 20 = $3600.00 now add your original $800 for the set ups.
$3,680.00 for 12 years MH
$4,400.00 for 16 years MH

This does not include the electric to run the equipment nor does it include your actinic lighting

Icecap 660 ballast with wiring is about $160.00 new
Bulbs are around $35.00 each (3 to 4 depending how long you they are)
changed every 9 months also
$35.00 times 3 bulbs = $105.00
$105.00 X 16 (12 years) = $1680.00
$105.00 X 20 (16 years) = $2,100.00

Of course some might use cheaper bulbs, buy used, spend more or less on the ballast etc. This is meant to be on the average

So to run the MH lighting with actinic sup is will cost you (Electric not included)
$5360.00 for 12 years
$6500.00 for 16 years.

For LED to run for same amount of time just adjust the K value you are looking at for one master and one slave unit.
$2,000 to $2,500.00

Now look at the PAR ratings that have been posted in these forums:
when you talk about PAR it is good to have some point of refernce. here is the link melvesreef PAR data on different MHs:


google for T5 PAR #s and you will find similar pics.

as far as 120W unit, 16,000k light temp:

2" depth - 1581 PAR
12" depth - 551 PAR
24" depth - 249 PAR

As for myself I believe I will be switching over to LED's shortly, just waiting on the report from Sanjay.

I almost forgot, The heat from the MH compared to the LEDS. MH should be off the water 8 to 14 inches and you still have to use fans or chillers in some cases. LED's can be placed right on top of your tank and used as a lid, I have not seen or heard anyone using a chiller with the LED's. That should give you a good idea on the difference in the heat.

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You can most definately replace your halides and actinics with LED!

The ones I bought are 120W and I am able to adjust the kelvin rating from 13k TO 23k, adjust the intensity from 0% - 100%, 28 day Full moon schedule, sunrise and sunset and I can customize my own table if i want to do cloud simulation or any other special settings. All of this is accomplished via bluetooth!

I took the unit down to Barrier Reef and showed Cy and crew along with a few fellow reefers that I met. It was incredible as this was the first time seeing them in action over a tank.

Yep we are bringing these in. I am ordering a display unit later this week to put over the NEO Nano Clam Tank. We can special order these for the same price you see at Pacific Sun. Cough cough...support your LFS:D In response to an earlier question about why nobody is marketing LED's as the sole lighting for Aquariums its because this would make their product a Patent infringement. The easiest way around the Patent is to sell it as a hydropnic or generic light. We also have the AquaIlluminations units available through our website. I think these Pacific Sun units are better, especially with their control flexibility. I'm definately not an LED expert yet. Just my impression after seeing the Pacific Sun and AI and doing a little reading.
Yep we are bringing these in. I am ordering a display unit later this week to put over the NEO Nano Clam Tank. We can special order these for the same price you see at Pacific Sun. Cough cough...support your LFS:D In response to an earlier question about why nobody is marketing LED's as the sole lighting for Aquariums its because this would make their product a Patent infringement. The easiest way around the Patent is to sell it as a hydropnic or generic light. We also have the AquaIlluminations units available through our website. I think these Pacific Sun units are better, especially with their control flexibility. I'm definately not an LED expert yet. Just my impression after seeing the Pacific Sun and AI and doing a little reading.

Awesome Cy!!!!!!!

Let me know when you get the display unit in, so I can come see it!

I am hoping to have mine installed over my setup by next week! :D
Only problem I can see with the LED modules is that what are you going to do if say a couple of LED lights burn out in 2 years? If it is not a DIY and it is not under the manufactures warranty then what?

Yes LED lights should in theroy be able to last 10+ years, but the reality is they probably will not in our enviroments. Good example is these cars that have LED lighting from the factory. What happens when just one of your 3rd brake light LED lights burn out? You replace the unit as an assembly. Been there and done that for a customer and yes thank goodness it was warranty.

Just some food for thought. I think if the manufactures can warranty the fixtures for say 5 years aganist burnouts then I'd be all over it. Otherwise I'll stick with the DIY or MH.
