Leopard Wrasse not burrowing to sleep?

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Well-known member
Dec 14, 2008
Alki Beach, Seattle
One of my leopard wrasses didnt burrow as usual last night and is just laying on the bottom of the tank sleeping.

The other leopard is burrowed as usual and my other fish all seem normal. Only addition lately was a emerald crab.

I have seen this particular leopard laying on the bottom of the tank after lights out before, but usually he will finally burrow, (or maybe I just never noticed him not) and has been fine during light time.

Is this usual, anyone know?
Actually he is extremely skinny and going to die. I had to get him out of the tank so the crabs dont feast on him and I am putting him into my frag tank but he can barely stay upright. He is still alive but not eating anything.

Anything I could try??? I am sure he wont make it throug the night if I dont do something.

BTW sand
alki I have had some trouble keeping wrasses. Once they get in that state I have had zero luck with recovery. I'm thinking my past problems with the Wrasse is due to under feeding. I want to try again but I don't want to kill another one. How much are you feeding? BTW Sry to hear about the Leapord Wrasse.... my favorite fish in this hobby
It does sound as if he doesn't have the strength to bury. I had a male leopard that took me some time to get back on track and I overfed the tank to ensure I could watch and make sure he got enough.

If you have in a frag tank, it needs to have a sand substrate (I am sure you know that, but there are a lot of frag tanks that are bare bottom) or he will certainly damage himself trying to bury.

I would try to keep low lighting on in the frag tank and spot feed around him. If you see his head is more pronounced and the body behind the gills is very thin than there isn't much hope I am afraid.

Best of luck with your leopard.
Yes he all of a sudden is paper thin and really weak. I dont think it is an underfeeding problem as I generally feed alot. And hes a wrasse and usually the first to get any food in the tank. I also have another leopard wrasse that I have had since before this and he is fine, as well as my mandarin who only eats copepods. So I would think the wrasse when hungry could eat these all day. BTW my mandarin still fat and happy, and yes you can keep both a wrasse and a mandarin and be just fine. (Some people insist it cant be done) Both wrasses would eat anyfrozen food I put into the tank. I think once you get them eating they will be fine.

This was my favorite fish ,so cool looking. As of right now he is in my frag tank (with sand) All by himself except for an emerald crab and a pistol shrimp. I fed alot into the tank to satisfy the pistol and crab. He managed to halfway cover himself with sand and is still breathing, but I am sure will be gone in the morning.

Hey OCD, this is my 3rd wrasse. The 1st got sucked into a canister filter, the second was that one I got up in Bothel was it? This was the 3rd. I usually feed one cube a day. I vary between mysis, bloodworms, prawn roe, spirulina?, and another frozen mix.

Well if he goes this way is better than being eaten alive by hermits.:cry:
Well update 7am and still breathing. I need to try and get him to eat. He is somewhat able to bury himeself (actually herself)
Glad she made it through the night, does she have any abrasions or abnormalities on her scales?

If you can get some amphipods for her, that usually gets a really good eating response.

Sorry if you already posted, but how long have you had her?
She has no marks on her, just very skinny. I didnt notice anything unusual untill she was laying at the bottom.
One good thing is the frag tank is crawling with amphipods and copepods, It was just a 30gal reef w live rock and coral for a long time.

Ive had her for 6 months or so. Maybe more. She would have been eaten in my display tank so at least she has a chance here.

One question, do they bury their head also when they borrow themselves? I cant ever tell as they usually get under a liverock piece also. I cant tell if she just cant bury herself all the way or not. It could be the current just blowing the sand of her, but her head is somewhat sticking out.
When they are healthy and at their peak, they bury their entire body including the head. You typically can't even tell where they are. Mine have favorite places in the tank and I typically try to observe them the first week or so to know their bury spots.

Sounds like she is in the right place.....tank to herself with lots of live food.
Update? I'm very curious to hear if she made it. (Hope she did) I've had two leopards, 1st one got sucked to a pump, second one went out like Alki's.
Nope she died. Lasted a couple days floating around like a piece of paper.

What I learned is to checkup your fish every once in a while. By the time I noticed anything was wrong there was no way back.

I have heard some leopards cannot adapt to captivity and will just not make it.
of your can get lucky and get one thats eats everything you can throw in the tank!
even eats next to the tang on the algae clip! :)