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Well-known member
Sep 13, 2005
Ontario, Canada
Vetrians/Rememberance Day

An important day to all. This day sits close to me. More than 1/2 my family have served at one time or another. Some of which served in WWII some in the gulf war. Peace Keeping missions all over the world including Cypress, Bosnia, Africa and Iraq. Thanks Goodness we haven't suffered any losses, Yet 1000's of families have all around the world. Today we don't celibrate the losses. We celibrate the sacrifices these individuals made for us to have our freedom and way of life.

Today I will be joining my legionaires in parade and salute the fallen soldiers for there honor and bravery.

Bless all of you that server our countries.
Nice post. Always glad to say thank you to those that have given me my freedom.

THANK YOU to al those that serve and have served.
I work for a company that builds radar jammers and missle guidance sytems for the armed forces. Today we are at work which is a bummer but they had a terrific display in the main lobby for our veterans. It was quite touching. Of all the people i work with about 75% of them our veterans. I think they'll be glad to know that Reef Frontiers is greatly appreciative of their dedicated service to our country.

God Bless America and thank you to all those who have and are still servinig in the armed forces. COME HOME SAFE PLEASE!!!
:) :) :) :) Hurray for everyone that has served or serving, my father was a WWII vet. At work today we had a Chili cook off with the army in place & the proceeds went to the United Way.
The traveling Vietnam memorial wall was here in Auburn last weekend. It was quite humbling to see all those names.

Whats really humbling is that (depending on who's numbers you use, but they are all pretty close) approximatly 42,400,000 Americans have served during time of war, of those approx 1,192,000 have been killed, and approx another 1,447,000 have been wounded......I couldn't even begin to count the number who have served our country since the beginning.....

Regardless of politics we must never forget the sacrifice made in the name of Freedom by Billions of Americans, and those of our Allies as well
that was pretty nice of you Detri :) .
In our family, my husband's family his great great grand father fought in the WWII and his brother right now is serving in the military.
I really have a lot of respect for the brave men that go or that have gone and fight for us because like you guys have said, we're free because of them.