Lets make this a more active forum!!!!

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Med Student Reefer
Oct 7, 2005
Yakima, WA
Come on Boise REEFERS! lets get into this more often! I am heading home in a week, so I will be back in town and would be looking to maybe do a meeting or a frag swap or something of the sort! is anyone interested in that?
Heck yes.

When you going to be in town? Our club meeting will be this coming tuesday at 7:00 I will be demo'ing a few different surge devices.

Frag swaps, I'm allways open for frag swaps.

Kim Gross
Hey, guys! You should think about coming down to SLC next month! WMAS is having Julian Sprung speak! I am really excited and you guys are always welcome. I feel bad I missed your reef tour this year. How did it go? I hope the WMAS'ers weren't too much trouble?
kgross - sounds awesome! Ill be back in town round the 15th or so.... we should definitly get something set up though... is the club pretty active? me and my brother (who will both be in town this summer) would love to be a part of it. lemme know when and where the meeting will be and ill see what we can do about stopping by, haha.

ummm, ya, Im thinking we need to do a mid-summer frag swap...... I might be able to hold it at my house actually... but we'll see. anywho, good to see someone actually looks on here.
The WMAS'ers were great this year. I just hope that I can make it down to your tour this year, plus if you have any big frag swaps I would love to go.


Our clubfarirly active , we meet the second tuesday of the month at 7:00, (tomorrow night). This meeting will be talking about surge devices with demo's of a carlson surge and a borneman toilet flapper surge should be lots of fun.

So what part of town is your house in? I'm over in nampa, and our meetings are near the airport.

Im in the eagle area....... just before boise, and north of the highway by about 15 minutes. Man, i wish i could go to the club meeting, but I wont be back in town yet..... maybe next month. Is there any signing up that needs to be done to become a part of the club, or is it just show and go type thing?
Our club is just a show and go, we have it setup for the 2n'd tuesday of the month at 7:00PM nomally they are held in Boise at the ICRMP building at Vista and Sunrise rim. But for the next few months we will be meeting at the ada community library at 5 mile and Victory. We don't have topics yet, but I should have some in the next week or so.

yup! just got back yesterday! got my tanks back okay and now its time to start upgrading my 2 gallon tank to a bigger tank (maybe a 5 or 7 gallon). Any events of some sort coming up? whats everyone up to lately around here?
well hello everyone! again, im trying to get this place a more common area for us Idaho reefers to post on........ and to do that I was thinking of perhaps coordinating a summer frag swap here at my house for the Idaho Marine Aquarium Society! I would need some advice on what i would all need here to support everyone, but I have the space and am somewhat in between nampa and boise (which seems to be where a majority of our members are from) Let me know what everyone thinks, and we can maybe establish a date or something that we would like to shoot for.

Also, is there any way for me to sign up for a "partial membership", as I am only around the idaho area for less than 4 months a year? just curious..... if not, not biggie.

Hopefully talk to you guys soon!

tanner g.

I will have to talk to our membership chair and see what we can come up with for a partial membership. Even without being a paying member there is nothing that you can not participate in. The only down side is that some things will cost a little more. Last year on the BBQ for paid members it was like $2 a family and non paid were $5 or something like that.

awesome! thank you so much...... the main reason i want to join is so that i can be apart of a great group of fellow reefers, and i know that my money (even if it would end of being a partial membership fee) will help out the club. Im gonna be out and about tomorrow going to some shops (its my brothers birthday, so I told him i would help him buy something for his tank!) and job hunting for the summer..... if anyone knows of anything marine aquarium related that is a job for the summer, let me know, because right now I am searching! thanks again kim!

tanner g.