Let's start slowly talking about my dreams.

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Future Sen
Jun 23, 2007
Bellingham, WA
First, my super dream tank. I concocted this rough sketch while bored and talking fish with a friend. This is pretty darn pipe dream, which I'm sure you'll enjoy.


However, more in the realm of my possibilities is a coral farm in the next few years. I currently have 6 tanks total, 1 of which is set up for salt. The rest are just waiting. There's a 10, 15, 50, 55, 85 (set up), and a 100. Only the 100 is plumbed, with a hole in the tank. My goal would be to set up the 55 as a sump, with the 55 and 100 connected. The 85 would be my continual show tank. The 10 would be quarantine, and then the 15 would be a breeding tank. However, They're odd shaped tanks. Most are tall tanks. The 50 and 55 are both long. Would it be wiser to turn a 100g tall tank into a sump for a farm? I know I'd need lights close, and a tank like that doesn't help matters. I might also add a tank or two, long style, to the set up. Finally, what are good ways to combine the tanks for good water flow, best circulation, and best pumping? The sky's the limit right now, as I'm just building ideas.

And if anyone wants to donate to my dream tank, that's acceptable. I calculated it to aprx. 220,000 gallons. I'll even let any donors come and shower in the shower INSIDE the tank. yeahhhh...
220k gallons ehh? wow. ambitious. Power to you if you can afford something like this.

The acrylic viewing chamber & spiral staircase is a neat idea and I love the idea of Showering with the fishes!!!

Wonder if you'd be able to find anyone to insure your home after it's up and running?
Wow we got a multi millionaire in our club!!!! woooo hoooo Can't wait to see this project up and running.
now now now, I'm still in college. this is just my dream plan. who knows, though, maybe some day. for now, I hope to start a coral farm
ahhh pipe dreams (pun intended)
a inside viewing fishtank would be pretty cool
they have one at st.regis montana but its a trout tank..lol