Let's Talk About ~Algae Control~

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Morgan, your algae disappeared because as you said, you put the rock in the dark and when the algae died and fell of the rock it also removed the nutrients from your tank. I use a canister filter with purigen or carbon all the time but I don't let it go over a week without cleaning. I do not use any floss or sponges in there. Then it would produce nitrates and I have enough nitrogen producers now, it's called a moorish Idol :lol:
I have a question for you guys.... My tank has been running for 6 months now. And the only place i get the green hair algae is on the hob where the water comes out.... Why is that the only place it grows????? Its easy to take out but was just wanting to know why....
That place has the most currect and hair algae loves fast current. It is on the verge of growing in the rest of your tank too but if you are lucky it will stay where it is.
so if i keep removing it then i may get lucky and it may not grow any where else???? another question is there a time frame that this will last??? it just started maybe a few weeks ago..
i have it growing on the off ramp of my aqua c as well.... maybe not green hair algae. but green something
Nope, no time frame. It could last for a week or 6 months. My reef just starting to grow it again this week. I know it will grow like crazy then disappear.
It is what it is
u have no explantion to why it will disapperer
and i didnt think hair algea liked fast current

I also have algae blooms in cycles they are there one day and gone the next how do you think we arrived here? Seems this stuff is the soup of life and therefore will always be with us, when water and light come together with other impurities some thing will grow out of the stew, I just wish it was a little more interesting to watch!
Who said marine tanks should be algae free anyway? I think we kind of get lost in the idealist world at times and strive for perfection in an imperfect world. Enough words of wisdom from me.

Thanks for reading.
u have no explantion to why it will disapperer
and i didnt think hair algea liked fast current

Morgan I diden't say I diden't know why it would disappear. It will disappear because all at once there will not be enough nutrients in the water to sustain it. It could be a lack of iron, phosporous, nitrogen or some lesser elements that plants need. I have no way of knowing when any of those elements will be exhausted. They are constantly being added through food and they are also constantly being locked up in algae and removed through skimming and water changes. It is an ongoing complicated system that changes from moment to moment. Also hair algae loves fast current, the faster the better as you can tell by it growing on the outflow of the powerheads, you may be confused because some people "incorrectly" believe that red algae or cyanobacteria does not like fast current.

Sausage fingers, I certainly believe that we will always have algae and lucky for us as it makes our oxygen and grows in any shallow water. Every element on this planet is disolved in seawater and there will always be enough of everthing to grow algae. It grows on all healthy reefs everywhere.
You don't see it because the sea has plenty of animals that are there just to eat algae. If you dive at night you will see the seafloor covered with urchins. You don't see many in the day because guess what the favorite food of triggerfish is? Urchins. Triggers and other urchin eating fish are active in the day so urchins evolved to be active at night. Urchins eat algae almost exclusively, if there is no algae, there are no urchins. Besides urchins there are large schools of 8" tangs. Guess what they eat? Algae. These animals eat what little algae grew that day, we can hardly see it but it is growing. Did you ever see Sally Lightfoot Crabs on a tropical shoreline? They are eating algae, as are snails, cowerys, slugs, limpits, abalone's, sea hares etc. If you do not see any algae growing in your reef, it may not be as healthy as you believe.
We don't want it growing on our corals as it would shield the light and kill them and we can't have a thousand tangs decend on our tanks or keep dozens of urchins. If we could the wastes from these animals would still be locked up in our tanks and we would accomplish nothing.
Algae is the bane of reef tanks because the wastes are in the tank too long before the skimmer removes some of it or we eliminate it through water changes. By the way, skimmers don't remove a lot of the chemicals that grow algae. Algae can grow overnight, it can grow very fast. I don't believe we can eliminate nutrients in all tanks fast enough to eliminate all algae.
I do believe the best method is to let it grow outside our tank then harvest it. It is the most natural method even though some of it will still grow in the tank. Algae is not a disease, just a friend that needs training. :lol:
Have a great day.
Hi Paul,

Very well put wish we could have all those critters munching the algae I did like that idea of a pane of glass/acrylic mounted within the tank to grow the algae on a very interesting idea I believe its you who posted the comment and would appreciate some more details on how it was mounted.
Thanks in advance

Rikki (AKA sausage fingers)
Hey Sausage, I think I said to mount a piece of plastic window screen across the tank near the surface to the back so it gets light but does not block light going into the main part of the tank. I have this in my reef but the screen is in a trough above the tank. It is very easy to clean and the algae should grow there better than on your corals because it is closer to the light. In my reef I first sandpapered the screen to roughen it up then I took some wet cement like Sakrete morter mix and rubbed it on the screen. The cement will fill in the fine scratches on the screen and algae loves to grow on cement.
Hi Paul,

Thanks for that Ill give that a try when you say you use a cement based product that surprises me as the catalyst is chromium but i guess once activated with water it no longer posses a problem.

Thanks for reading

Rikki, I use Sakrete ready mixed mortor mix. I also built much of my rock out of it so I know it is safe.
i would change water vaccum the bottom then 2-3 days brown algae would cover the bottom.i bought a GOBY and i havent had that problem since.hes always eating.
encore new to the forum,got problems with cyno had it for awhile tried everything doesnt seem to go away.going to try keeping lights off for awhile water param good tanks been set up for a year 150 gal few hard corals and a few mushrooms any suggestions?