Let's Talk About ~Algae Control~

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what is the best, most recommended, to put in refugium?

Need to change a few things on "signature" I guess:
50 gal
refugium (no skimmer)

Most poeple from what I've found use a 6,500 - 6,700 rated bulb for the refugium.

Good Post

Just remember they have a in hole and a out hole thus supplimenting new algae growth. You still need to get it out to the sewer.
sorry to change the subject but what is ro/di water?\

and what is the algae that is brown/tan growing on the glass, and the gravel, and the rock?
RO/DI water is filtered water you use for saltwater mixing.

RO water you can drink, add a DI unit and you got RO/DI
(www.aquafx.com - they are a sponsor of this forum)

I forgot the name for the algae that is brown/tan growing on the glass, rock etc.

Check your Phos lvl's and use RO/DI water. Until you get it under control run your lights half the time if you have corals already OR not at all for 4 days.

If you water is in check it will go away pretty quick with the lights off.
I would bet they are Diatoms an algea that you usaully see durning the start of a cycle
is there a link or something to the differnt typs of plage algea? i have alge all over the back wall of my tank and some on the rocks. i have changed the light bulbs and run phosban, my nitrait and phosephat test at 0. i don't think i over feed and have scrubed the hair algae of the rocks but it came back, just not as bad. any thoughts?
Imo and ime a good mix will will be best, people often treat shails like dirty, over stockin one kind of snail will result in starvation and death, start. Lil by lil
bI just git a protein skimmer that works fantastic! Hopefully it will help the algae control in my tank.
algae is hard to remove. Good protein Skimmer will help but the most is the water change and the quality of your water.
Brown Algae

I just setup my first saltwater tank. I'm getting a large amount of brown algae. Will this go away once my cycle is through or is there something I should do to call this outbreak? Thanks for any advice.

in time the diatoms will burn themselves out when the silicates are gone, there are snail species that will eat it and take the edge off, but the process will happen and it just takes time until they are completely gone for good.
As a matter of fact it is hard not to get the brown diatoms that come with setting up a new tank, new sand, new rocks, new glass...etc. It should go away within a couple weeks if not i like to clean it out manually by scrubbing and siphoning.