Arrow Crabs are neat to look at, but can quickly become predatory. As far as the emeralds go...are you sure they were picking at the Zoo's and not algae around on the Zoo's? If they were, get em outta there....
Arrow Crabs are neat to look at, but can quickly become predatory. As far as the emeralds go...are you sure they were picking at the Zoo's and not algae around on the Zoo's? If they were, get em outta there....
No, I'm not sure about the emerald crabs. I'm thinking about giving them the benefit of the doubt and just watching them for a little while longer, but the arrow crab is getting ejected today if I can catch him.
Did you see the Arrow Crab kill your sleeper gobie or did you just see him eating it? The only reason I ask is that my Arrow doesn't seem to bother anything and I have been told that alot of times we tend to "blame" crabs for things because we see them eating our fish but didn't actually see them do the killing. Now whether this is true or not I don't know...but it does seem to make some sense since crabs eat waste and so forth when a fish dies it is only natural for them to eat it...
Emerald crabs will eat zoos! I know this from experience, I had an emerald that was eating my blue zoos and he was gone in less than 5 minutes. He was banned to the refugium.