lets talk about sex baby!

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clown fish
Mar 11, 2007
hwo do you get clowns to have babies, ive had 2 clwons in my tank for about 4 months and im not sure if they are a pair or not lol, how do u encourage breeding?
Hi Ricky. IME, you want to give them a nice stable environment and time to get comfortable (I'm sure it's probably more complicated than that, but that's all I have to offer). I think 4 months may not be enough time for your clowns to 'settle in' and feel comfortable, etc.

I have a pair of clowns in my 45g that after about a year (maybe a little less) started spawning, although I never attempted to raise the fry. They spawned about 4 or 5 times, then we had the big wind storm last winter, during which time I lost power for 8 days and my tanks got all out of whack, etc. Ever since then, no more spawning.

I have another pair of GSM in my 90g for over a year, and they have never spawned, although they are a mated pair. But, they did go through the same chaos last winter like my other clowns did, so maybe one day they will spawn too.

Anyways, not sure if this really answers your question or not, but thought I'd share my experience with you.

Good luck!
I think 6 months with a mature pair and safe stress free environment will do.. but i could be wrong. My clowns spawned every two weeks untill I moved the tank to another house. It took them 6 months to get back into the mood! But they are back at it again.
i did voodoo on my clown to get him in the anonome..... did you try to voodoo them together..?
so did u buy 2 nemo plush toys and stick love harts on them and rub them togeather? i might have a nemo and dori plush toy could make blue clown fish with my voodoo magic man
Wine and Kenny G always worked best for me. After the wine you need to do a water change.:D
Keep water quality up and give them some time.

LOl kenny g and wine....

you better ask them first... you might put them to sleep...

at least i know thats what would happen if you fed me wine and played kenny..
ya you kinda wave your hands around in front of the tank...

then inbetween the lights and water... while danceing around a little...

makeing a weird song...

vo de da de do dee da
and repeat while moveing the hands around in like a waveing motion....

worked for me
ya you kinda wave your hands around in front of the tank...

then inbetween the lights and water... while danceing around a little...

makeing a weird song...

vo de da de do dee da
and repeat while moveing the hands around in like a waveing motion....

worked for me

Most important thing is you have to film it and post it here.
How do you know when they are spawning?

IME, I just noticed one day that there was a clutch (I think that's the right term) of eggs attached to a rock right next to the anenome they call home. Wasn't hard to miss, as the male was pretty much standing guard & swimming back & forth by them.

In the little research I did at the time (i.e. I am by no means an expert on this topic), I understand it's approx 10 days from the point they spawn to when the eggs hatch into fry. And from there, if you want to try & raise them, it's a lot of work! For me, I got to watch the eggs change colors before they hatched & then one day they were just gone. Hatched at night and quickly eaten I assume.

After the first, it was a regular routine every 3 weeks I think...up until "the storm".

thanks rob but, how do you know if your clowns are a mated pair?

Well, I'll try my best to answer...I've only kept 2 pair so my experience here is limited.

Besides if they spawn (of course), my clowns generally always like to hang out together in very close proximity to their anemone. They don't seem to venture very far from there. The exception I have noticed is my female GSM seems to like to prowl the tank a lot, leaving the male behind to guard the anemone. My other pair (the ones in my avatar) both stay together and very close to their home.

Another thing I've noticed is at times, the pairs seem to go through some courtship rituals, for lack of better words. They will kind of nibble at each other, shimmy up & rub against one another...kind of like an affection dance or something (I hope it's not just me imagining this part :)).

And, not to neglect the obvious, the female is significantly larger than the male.

The only other thing I can add is that when I purchased my GSM pair, the LFS told me they were a mated pair (word of mouth). I normally take things with a grain of salt, but in this case I believed him, as the 2 were in a very small cube holding tank (like 6" x 6" x 6") and were the only 2 clowns in the cube. From my understanding, GSMs are normally very aggressive towards each other, unless they are a mated pair.

I do that on a daily basis anyway, lol. Maybe that's my problem. Maybe I will paint some black stripes on my anenome as bait.

ya you kinda wave your hands around in front of the tank...

then inbetween the lights and water... while danceing around a little...

makeing a weird song...

vo de da de do dee da
and repeat while moveing the hands around in like a waveing motion....

worked for me
Wine and Kenny G always worked best for me. After the wine you need to do a water change.:D
Keep water quality up and give them some time.

IMO, Luther Vandross works better ;)

If a pair is an adult bonded pair, then it's safe to assume 6-12 months upon reception into a tank that they will spawn. This is all depending on their environment condition, their diet, etc etc....lighting...even tank inhabitants!
