Life from the Puget Sound

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Well-known member
Feb 26, 2012
Tacoma, WA
Has anyone ever taken anything out of the sound and thought about putting it in there tank? I know of corse fish would not survive due to water temp but what about snails, algae for the fuge or barnacles and mussels? I went down to Solo Point today in Dupont and was looking around on the rocks and brought back 3 large odd snails, a small rock with some barnacles on it and some red seaweed... thought I might put them in a QT and see how they react.
Brought back crabs, snails, barnacles, and pods from the Sound. The crabs and snails didn't survive long, nor did the barnacles, but the pods did. I added them to my tank to help the population grow. Seems to have worked well, because my population is thriving! Good luck to you in your PS endeavor! I hope things do well for you :)

And aren't those barnacles just so darn cool??? :D
They are cool lol, It would be nice if they survived and colored up a little with some coralline. The salinity of the sound is 1.021 so it will take me a bit to get it up to 1.024. we will see how it goes though.
Short term I think they may do alright but long term the stress would most likely do them in. On the bright side those barnicle shells will be great in your tank :)

If your interested in a cold water aquarium a member of the PNWMAS has begun a buisness collecting and selling critters from the Oregon coast. Its amazing what you can get. I'm very tempted to start one up but chillers are a pretty penney :frown:

Here is his link
Short term I think they may do alright but long term the stress would most likely do them in. On the bright side those barnicle shells will be great in your tank :)

If your interested in a cold water aquarium a member of the PNWMAS has begun a buisness collecting and selling critters from the Oregon coast. Its amazing what you can get. I'm very tempted to start one up but chillers are a pretty penney :frown:

Here is his link

If you are wanting to get started on the cheap for a coldwater tank, just to dip your toe in ;) there is a company down in california called Welcome to Micro-Reefs LLC... (Custom: Acrylic Aquariums) - Home that is making several small ( less than 5 gallons) temperate water tank setups now. I think they start at like $299 shipped, so they are cheaper than buying a chiller in most cases.

He just released and AIO design that is pretty killer. Check him out if you have time or feel free to hit me up with any livestock questions :D
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Also, watch out for yourself up there in the sound when collecting.

About 2 years ago they made it virtually impossible to collect anything legally that doesn't have a specific take limit set. So if it falls under "unclassified fish" or "unclassified invertebrate" there is no take allowed anymore at anytime.

Its a bummer since the laws used to be similar to how Oregon is set up, now they are just about the exact opposite.
The species that live in Puget Sound are adapted to living at this temperature. No, they will not survive at tropical temperatures.

We owe it to the creatures we keep as pets to provide them with adequate living environments. This includes educating yourself about the habitat requirements of the species prior to acquiring them. Collecting animals, tossing them in the tank and hoping they'll survive is irresponsible fish keeping. If you want to keep cold-water species you must provide them with cold-water housing.

Also, as Aquaticengineer said, if you're going to collect in Puget Sound you need to abide by Washington's collecting laws. See the WDFW fishing regulations here. Any species that is on the list is regulated and requires a fishing permit. Any species not on the list is closed to harvest unless you possess a research or education permit.
Couldnt have said it better Kevnkev! Some people that scuba a lot may look at it like uve taken their scenery man!
... I know of corse fish would not survive due to water temp but what about snails, algae for the fuge or barnacles and mussels? ...

Ummm, the snails, algae, barnacles and mussels live in the same cold water. What makes you think they'd be any more likely to survive than the fish? Not to mention the ethical questions involved in basically illegally collecting life that's highly unlikely to survive...

If that's not enough to convince you of how bad of an idea this is, think of the possibility, even probability that you're introducing pollutants into your system...
Ummm, the snails, algae, barnacles and mussels live in the same cold water. What makes you think they'd be any more likely to survive than the fish? Not to mention the ethical questions involved in basically illegally collecting life that's highly unlikely to survive...

If that's not enough to convince you of how bad of an idea this is, think of the possibility, even probability that you're introducing pollutants into your system...

Wow, really guys? Never said I was going to put them in my reef. Mainly asked about a QT since I have never done anything with cold water. As for it being ethical, it really isn't ethical to have a reef in the first place. I don't see anyone here complaining about pulling coral out of the oceans to put in there tanks when we all know the worlds reefs are getting smaller and smaller every day.
Either way, guess I should have done some more reading before I removed them. Maybe ill shell out the money and buy a chiller one day.
Lets ligten the mood... watch this Niger munch on some krill =] If you listen close enough you can hear him chomp into it.

kool fish! Love the heater too, i got the same one... I wasnt tryin to start the bash or nothin. Im just as intrested about starting a cold tank! Just be careful man.
Yeah I know its all good. Its hard to express intent on the net and can easily be misunderstood. Anyway Yeah I like the heater as well, I had it on my 55 but I don't think it would be enough for the 75+sump since this one is 200w. Always nice to have it as a backup though. The Niger is a beast I didn't know if he would eat the krill or not but that was his 2nd piece. He has some teeth on him to.

On another note did you have or want a cleaner shrimp in your tank?
If you are wanting to get started on the cheap for a coldwater tank, just to dip your toe in ;) there is a company down in california called Welcome to Micro-Reefs LLC... (Custom: Acrylic Aquariums) - Home that is making several small ( less than 5 gallons) temperate water tank setups now. I think they start at like $299 shipped, so they are cheaper than buying a chiller in most cases.

He just released and AIO design that is pretty killer. Check him out if you have time or feel free to hit me up with any livestock questions :D

Well hello, I think everyone on PNWMAS is on here too :)

Yea I need to do a lot more reserch and then I will be knocking down your door with way too many questions. I can't stop looking at your nems. They need to be in my living room :lol: