Lighting design help for my new tank

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That looks exactly like I expected it to look when its sides arent blocked.

Unfortunately, install the reflector 90deg out of wack, block the sides, add some VHO tubes for blocks, give it a small area to project useful light into and you end up with what my drawing indicates.

There is nothing wrong with the reflector, the problem is all in the install. I'm not sure what you could do to make that install worse for lighting and still keep a straight face.
liveforphysics said:
In that pic tha Krish posted, I belive there would be little to no difference to the lighting in the tank if it had no reflector at all, and just the top of the box painted flat white.

liveforphysics said:
Ok, its not that model of reflector that has the problem at all. That reflector would actually be my personal choice if I had to use a single folded sheet reflector for something close to the water.

The problem is the useage/application of that reflector, which has gotta be about as bad as it gets.

before you go making statements like the two I quoted, maybe you should ensure you know what you're talking about. I realize you have alot of mathmatical ability and really enjoy physics, but by making blanket statements like the first post, (and others here on the board) you do more harm than good. If it was just you and I talking over a couple of beers, it wouldnt be such a big deal. But over an internet board visited by thousands of people from (literally) all over the world, you single handly spread mis-information across the globe. People who may not have much experiance are now convinced these reflectors are crap. Nevermind the exhaustive studies by some physics/engineering professor teaching at Penn State who has a couple of Doctorate degrees.....

I'm not saying you shouldnt post, far from it. I just want you to think for minute before you hit the submit button.

Its not the reflector I've ever had a problem with. I'm sorry if it seemed that way, I thought the drawing made it pretty clear what the cause of the light not reaching the tank was.

So, let me clarify again, that reflector is as good as any other flat sheet type reflector, possibily the best flat sheet type for close to water applications.

Now, that usage of the reflector is the problem.

I'm sorry that wasnt more clear, when I posted, I looked over the drawing and it seemed to make things quite clear that the install design, not reflector design was the problem. I guess that wasnt nearly as clear as I thought for most people viewing, I will try to be even more explicit in the future.
OK what is the installation problem?? I am still having a hard time understanding how you can make a drawing like that from just a picture?? you dont know the measurements or angles of each fold??

I think the way it is installed it houses everything nice & neat but Luke doesn't agree with the MH's being mounted parallel instead perpendicular if I'm reading him correctly after his clarification, or maybe I'm jabbering lol.
I think the way it is installed it houses everything nice & neat but Luke doesn't agree with the MH's being mounted parallel instead perpendicular if I'm reading him correctly after his clarification, or maybe I'm jabbering lol.

Just to add to the lighting setup Scooter, the picture does not show it, but there are (3) metal halide bulbs under there over a 4ft tank so he should be getting pretty good coverage with 3 MH bulbs spaced evenly over a 4 ft tank rather than the usual 2 MH bulbs for a 4 ft tank.
The reason for the perpendicular rather than parallel mounting is to get the light coming off the curved part of the reflector into the tank (maximize what you have). Mounting them parallel you lose the light to the front and back of the tank. When you mount perpendicular you get overlap on the light that allows for blending of 2 color spectrum bulbs.
The reason for the perpendicular rather than parallel mounting is to get the light coming off the curved part of the reflector into the tank (maximize what you have). Mounting them parallel you lose the light to the front and back of the tank. When you mount perpendicular you get overlap on the light that allows for blending of 2 color spectrum bulbs.

I agree Reed...I guess he had to run them length ways (the one in the photo) because of the length of the reflectors (1) being 36 inches long and the other 12 inches long to make up the 4ft. He got a good deal on the whole setup which included the (3) bulb setup with ballast etc.

In any event, sorry Matt for the direction of this thread (I almost wished I didn't post the pic). I just wanted to post up a photo of a setup to give you some ideas. The exact reflector I showed in the picture comes in different lengths which means you can run them purpendicular like I plan to run my reflectors when I get them thanks to Scooter.
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AH In a 4 ft tank he could save money & do two mh lights that would be 2/3 the cost of what is is using now, how deep is the tank? He could seel the other & buy a race car:D with the cash he saves!
AH In a 4 ft tank he could save money & do two mh lights that would be 2/3 the cost of what is is using now, how deep is the tank?

It's a 75 gal, but like I posted above, he got everything as a deal from someone which included a tripple 150 watt ballast, bulbs etc. So I guess that is why he went the way he did with what he had. If you heard the price at what he got it at you would die! All that lighting and no chiller, just a single fan and so far temp has never gone above 79 degrees.
Matt, Try to fit the Lumenarc's if at all possible. If you need them mounted closer to the tank you can use the glass shields to protect the bulbs without much loss and a little more maint; it should beat the cost and space consumption an extra ballast and bulb introduces and the L3's can cover 24 square inches nicely.
krish75 said:
In any event, sorry Matt for the direction of this thread (I almost wished I didn't post the pic). I just wanted to post up a photo of a setup to give you some ideas. The exact reflector I showed in the picture comes in different lengths which means you can run them purpendicular like I plan to run my reflectors when I get them thanks to Scooter.

dude, my threads are your threads so no need to be sorry.
jlehigh said:
Matt, Try to fit the Lumenarc's if at all possible. If you need them mounted closer to the tank you can use the glass shields to protect the bulbs without much loss and a little more maint; it should beat the cost and space consumption an extra ballast and bulb introduces and the L3's can cover 24 square inches nicely.

do you think the Lumenarc minis would work just as well? that is the way I'm leaning.
you are slacking - took over an hour for that reply.

LOL...I was online at work and then I logged of to come home, got here and my wife wanted me to go walking with her for exercise!!!!!!!!! It is 8,369 degrees here! I've been out in the sun all day sweating like crazy, getting burnt from touching scolding hot tools and smoked out from black asphalt, putting in alarms and players in new cars (BTW if you own a flipping Honda and GM dealership and need practically all of your cars done by our company, you'd think they'd put up an install bay so you can work in the shade, but I guess they want me to be black:p) where was I??? Oh yeah, so now I'm just getting on. My parents won't recognize me when they see me again...They may call the cops:doubt::lol:
well it's absolutely gorgeous here...mid 60's and bright blue skies. This is a perfect day in my book. I did some plumbing then went out with the dog to play. Great day! :)

at least you have an excuse. exercise is always good... :)
LOL...It was a beautiful day here as well...If you were out in the boat! Aw well...Florida lotto is about 80 million this week so who knows what I may be doing after Wednesday:p

Check these out....

Sunlight Supply LumenMax 2

Its SLS' version of the LA3. The previous version (LumenMax 1) did fairly well against the LA3. This one is expected to do better, but the test results havent been published by Sanjay Joshi yet. They are also marketing a DE version called the Lumenmax 3.


Lumenmax 2: 11x14x5

Lumenmax 3: 11x11x5

MSRP 149.95