Lite Rail system...

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It looks interesting Ed. Does this just travel the light from one end to the other, then after that "0-60 second delay" begin its travel back again? I innitially was looking at this... as providing a dawn-to-dusk type travel with a single light source... mimicing the sun's movement. Is this what you're planning on doing with it? Let us know what you think of it, once you get it all setup!!!
Two Ed's in one place:p That looks cool Ed#1! I've never seen anything like that before. Seems to be a pretty neat idea if I am understanding the whole concept fully. Just like ED#2 says, dusk to dawn effect and also giving your corals lighting from all angles throughout the day. It is corals you will be growing in this tank right? I saw the word hydroponics and well, lets just say I watch the show COPS and see what people like to grow under those lights:lol: I wish you the best man:)
It would be interesting to hear your thoughts on how this will save energy. I think it would be cool and may be beneficial to the corals (I believe I have read about aquafarms using a system like this).

I believe you've said you are doing a 4'x4' tank. So instead of doing something like 4x400W bulbs you would do 2x400W bulbs moving over the top. But wouldn't you have to run them ~ 2x as long to get the same photo period?
gbr said:
It would be interesting to hear your thoughts on how this will save energy. I think it would be cool and may be beneficial to the corals (I believe I have read about aquafarms using a system like this).

I believe you've said you are doing a 4'x4' tank. So instead of doing something like 4x400W bulbs you would do 2x400W bulbs moving over the top. But wouldn't you have to run them ~ 2x as long to get the same photo period?

I am not sure GBR. I have friends that run two 400s on their 4 foot cubes.
I am just going to make mine move a little more with a goal of normal 10-12 hours of run time.
They run 2x 400W over 16 square feet. I thought the ideal lighting implemented one MH bulb over 4 square feet...basically a 2'x2' area. I really like the idea of moving the bulb but I personally think 4' is too short. Think of the "ideal" placement for a mh bulb on a 4'x2' tank. It would be at the 1' and 3' mark correct. So basically the ideal situation would have the bulb move 2' (starting at the 1' and ending at the 3' mark) during the day on a 4' tank. I don't know that I would pay over $400 for that feature...then again...if money were no object...sign me up. :)

Wait a I am reading it and it travels back and forth rather quickly...right? I think that would be kind of distracting.
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If I am not mistaken, that lite rail will travel back and forth until the timer you have shuts it off. If you have just one metal halide on it, it will travel the entire length of a 6' rail in about 13 minutes, then reverse and go the other direction. This way, only 2 halides would be needed instead of 4 on a 6' tank. If you have 2 halides, cut that time in half. (the reversing switch is movable to adjust the travel) The halides would move over the area allowing light to "bounce" from different angles v.s. stationary ones. I have considered this very option, however, until "some else bee's the guinea pig" I'll wait to see the results.:D
Just my 2 cents
:) Come on over Jaybo, have a drink and help me put it already purchased it. So I am guess I am your guinee pig..
you want me to come over.... have a drink... and put it together....Mess with wiring......and cut my fingers on the exposed wire ends..... ON OPENING WEEKEND FOR FISHING??? :D HAHAHAH....

Let me know how it works out. I have actually been curious to know if works as good as it sounds!
The old arc shaped one was supposed to benefit the corals by exposing more sides of the coral to the light (like trying to replicate the path of the sun). This seems like it would be more of a lower power draw than a benefit to the corals (IMO).

Neat toy though...let us know how well it works Ed. My main concern with these is the exposure of motrized parts to salt air...corrsion issues since these are not designed for saltwater, but adapted from the hydroponic industry.
If I remember correctly. Blue Sierra had a rail light system over their frag tanks not too long ago. Maybe someone from the store can shed some light on this.:rolleyes:
I WAS WRONG>..... sorry.. I was going from memory...(which isn't good)

Found the web site, and the cycle time (down and back) for a 6' run with a 6 rpm motor. 10 rpm will be a bit faster.

Cycle time down and back on a 6 foot rail; 7 minutes, if you adjust time delay to 60 seconds. 6 minutes if you dont delay.

Kinda quick if you ask me! I think the fish might get motion sickness:shock:
Jaybo said:
you want me to come over.... have a drink... and put it together....Mess with wiring......and cut my fingers on the exposed wire ends..... ON OPENING WEEKEND FOR FISHING??? :D HAHAHAH....

Let me know how it works out. I have actually been curious to know if works as good as it sounds!

Good luck Lip ripping (fishing). I am going too. My boy was getting a little restless as you can see. My package did not come in from UPS. The new tank buffed out really good (Thanks IAP Brian for advice) while waiting for UPS man. My Stand and Canopy should arrive very soon from Texas. So I will keep you posted how I adjust this thing to move my Luminarc reflectors. I think you have a really good idea of moving it between end of one foot and 3 foot mark.
WOW, that tank buffed out REALLY nice! I'm thinking about doing a row of the moving halides...

Thank you Josh. You can thank IAP Brian for information on that. I use to detail cars for Car shows. Brian said if I could detail cars without burning paint I can buff acrylic then told me what he would use. I have a professional grade buffer.
I think you have an uneven stand

LOL... Someone beat me to it!

I hear the fish bitin' already! By the way... Thats one good lookin puffer fish in your soon to be reef tank!:D
Scooterman said:
would this replace one of your mh lamps?
Hello Scooty,
I am running two 400 HQI Metal Halides with Luminarc reflectors.:) I am also planning on Running T5s. Only the 400 MH with Reflectors will travel on lite rail system.:)