Little white creatures!!!!!!

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Mar 16, 2009
I have had this bloom of these little white....... i wanna say algea sized creatures. i have never had these before. but they are the size of a pin head. they don't move and are very hard to brush of the glass. Anyone know what i am talking about?
you must be having rocks

they live in rocks ....

they come out into water stream when lookin for food

totaly harmless

live rocks insects
Even though i haven't seen them move they just planted themselves on the glass
My friend is having the same issue. We asked the fish guy about it last night-took in a piece of decoration that had some on it too...he took a look and told us they are these little super tiny spiral tube feather dusters. I looked them up in my book....they only get to a max size of 6mm. They don't hurt anything. She didn't like them on her glass so she took a razor blade and scraped the sides of the tank. This worked really well in removing them.
When you look at the little white spots really close they start at a point in the center and make tight swirls around that center... obviously easier to see as they grow. Hope this helps!
Do they look anything like this:

No they look like some body splattered whip cream or toothepaste. They are uniform in shape. i will try and get a good pick. But i am not afraid these will do harm its just they appeared in one day doubled the next and now they stopped multiplying.
If they are small, about 1/8" in size they could be snail eggs. Astrea snails leave small white, round, hard to scrape off eggs all over our glass and rocks.
Would you say they are about the size and roughly the shape of a sesame seed? Maybe slightly rounder and grayish-white?
If they are small, about 1/8" in size they could be snail eggs. Astrea snails leave small white, round, hard to scrape off eggs all over our glass and rocks.

While I think you're right in that they're snail eggs, I don't think astreas lay eggs. I'm pretty sure they broadcast spawn. Nerite snails are the ones that leave the annoying white things on the glass. Whether they're eggs or snail poop, I don't know, but it's definitely nerites that leave them.
Ah thats right, thanks for the correction on the snail eggs, Nerite it is. Chicas description of sesame seeds is also a good example.
If you look closely you can see him eh hem..."broadcast" himself...gross. My wife was thoroughly disgusted when I showed her this...and he's pissing off my Tyree.
Yeah about the size and shape of Sesame seeds. If they are eggs Are they going to hatch? Or do they just die off?
No they look like little drops of toothpaste on the glass when you accidently splatter the mirror. I have been continuously scraping them. If these snails don't start using protection i am shipping them away.
Nassarius snails will also lay eggs on the glass however, they are usually is a line or pattern of several. Have you looked in your tank in the middle of the night to see whats out and about? Still guessing its some kind of snail.
Yeah they have to be snails. This is my second tank only been up for about 3months. Nothing out of the normal. until i put the snails if i remember right.